Frank Prem

Research Interests

Frank Prem is a prolific free verse poet whose work includes memoir/biography, literary interpretation and quasi-reportage as well as flights of fancy into the realms of fantasy and speculative fiction/poetry.

As a young man, Frank undertook training to become a psychiatric nurse – an experience which informed much of his early work.

His artistic objective is to turn experience into poetry, and poetry into an accessible medium that an unfamiliar person might pick up to read and feel enabled to engage in in-depth discussion about what they have read.

Current and recent work is referenced back to original source documents as he increasingly relies of research – historical and contemporary - to inform writing activities, combining fact and imagination to create emotional and experiential landscapes with words. For example:

  • Sheep On The Somme is an image-derived poetry book which matches a new poem to an archival image from World War 1 – the Western Front and Somme, in particular. All images are referenced and can be viewed independently of the book in which they are featured.
  • A Love Poetry Trilogy is a series of three poetry collections/books (Walk Away, Silver Heart; A Kiss For The Worthy; and Rescue and Redemption) that draw from and directly reference stellar poets (Amy Lowell, Walt Whitman and T. S. Eliot) and poems of a century and more ago

He is firmly committed to the idea that poetry should be accessible to, and able to be understood by, any and every reader. There should be no hurdles to comprehension through unnecessary complexity.
A broad catalogue of Frank’s work has been published in print and digital formats.

Frank Prem