Hazel Francis

Research Interests

Hazel Francis is a contemporary traditional embroiderer, still exploring and researching her niche. She has been stitching since she was a teenager being self-taught, like so many of us. Hazel has been experimenting researching with a growing desire to push the boundaries within and beyond her design work and skills.

Making art through the embroidery process, slow as it is, enables Hazel to see the beauty in the small things around about us that we often miss and allowing the creative being inside to have a sense of being, of who I am, in a busy and complex life that we all live. The slow pace takes time, therefore pieces have been smaller in focus, but with the incorporation of textile art many other possibilities are forming within design and focus.

Hazel is in the process of developing her skills through traditional embroidery training and “apprentice” training for design work and pushing her boundaries of textile art.

Hazel is a member of the ACT Embroiderers Guild and the Textile Artists (UK) group.

Hazel Francis