Lynette Callaghan

Research Interests

I explore well-being through making art with a healing purpose. Using myself as a research subject I document my art making process. This research, in conjunction with the evaluation of relevant academic literature, is used to inform my art as therapy practice and psychosocial educational programs.

Participation in numerous group art exhibitions saw my work exhibited in a variety of locations, a few of which are, NSW Parliament House, MAMA in Albury and Artspace Wodonga. As a mental health advocate, I have presented at the AustralianRural and Remote Mental Health Symposium; La Trobe Careers in Health Forums and instigated Community Arts and Cultural Contribution Programs such as the Flourish well-being art workshops and exhibitions at Creators Artspace. My Flourish research findings were published online by The Australian and New Zealand Mental Health Association. Follow-up articles on mental health have also been published in the peer reviewed journal and newsletters of the Australian, New Zealand and Asian Creative Arts Therapies Association (ANZACATA).

Trained as a Visual Arts teacher at the College of Fine Arts (COFA) in Sydney I later completed postgraduate study in the field of Special Education at Charles Sturt University. My Master of Art Therapy degree was awarded from Western Sydney University. At present I work as a Creative Arts Subjects Coordinator/ Casual Academic and Adjunct Research Associate at Charles Sturt University.

Lynette Callaghan