Edward Spence


Dr Edward H. Spence

Hons (First Class), PhD (Philosophy)

Adjunct Senior Lecturer

Edward H. Spence, (PhD) is Adjunct Senior Lecturer at Charles Sturt University, Honorary Associate, the Department of Philosophy, University of Sydney, Australia, and Senior Research Fellow at the 4TU.Centre for Ethics and Technology, Netherlands. He is the author of numerous peer-reviewed international journal articles and books, including, Spence H. Spence (forthcoming). Wisdom in the Age of Intelligent Machines, Palgrave McMillan: Spence H. Edward (2021). Stoic Philosophy and the Control Problem of AI Technology: Caught in the Web, Rowman, and Littlefield; Spence H. Edward (2021) Media Corruption in the Age of Information. Springer; Elliott, D., and Spence H.E. (2018)Ethics for a Digital Era. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell; Spence, E.H, Alexandra, A, Quinn, A and Dunn, A. (2011). Media, Markets and Morals. Oxford: Wiley- Blackwell; Spence H. E.  Ethics Within Reason: A Neo-Gewithian Approach (2006). Maryland: Lexington Books (a division of Rowman and Littlefield, USA); Brey, P., Briggle, A. and Spence, H. E. (eds.) (2012) The Good Life in a Technological Age, Routledge.

He is the founder and director of the Philosophy Plays project whose aim is the communication of public philosophy through drama performance and audience participation through discussion. Several of his philosophy plays have been performed at Arts and Cultural Festivals in Australia and the USA. Most recently the following plays have been performed for the Annual Greek Festival of Sydney: Exile and Metamorphosis: the Poets and the Philosopher, Seymour Theatre Centre, 2023.

- 2022 “Smart Machines and Wise Guys” on the topic of Wisdom and AI Machines, a dramatic dialogue between Mr. Google and Sophia, performed at Steki Taverna for the 40th Greek Festival of Sydney.

-2021 “Ataraxia and Algorithms: Socrates Last Freedom” on the relevance of Socratic-Stoic Philosophy to the Control Problem of AI Technology for the 39th Greek Festival of Sydney, at The Hellenic Art Theatre, Marrickville, Sydney.

-2018 “Zeno’s Secret: How to be Happy in an Unhappy World” on Stoic Philosophy for the 36th Greek Festival of Sydney, at the Factory Theatre, Marrickville, and Steki Taverna, Newtown, in Sydney.

Philosophy and Ethics of Technology; Communication and Media Ethics. Stoic Philosophy, and Wisdom.