Eleanor Gates-Stuart


Professor Eleanor Gates-Stuart


Adjunct Professor in Arts
Wagga Wagga
Building 21, Room 309

Professor Eleanor Gates-Stuart has held a number of educational leadership roles, internationally and nationally, particularly in research relating to the sciences, technology and art, working with major research organisations, museums, education, business and government. Including a National Competitive Grants Program Assessor for the Australian Research Council (ARC). She is the Research and Post-Graduate Convenor for the School of Communication and Creative Industries, Managing Editor of the Fusion Journal, affiliate member of the Graham Centre for Agricultural Innovation, and leading the development of the eXtended Reality Centre (XRC).Her research includes numerous professional associations, collaborating, publishing and presenting papers: UK, USA, Taiwan & Australia.

Eleanor’s experience includes: Honorary Professorial Fellow with the Faculty of Law, Humanities and the Arts, University of Wollongong; Professor of Techno Arts (Technology and Art) at the National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan); Visiting Scholar the Australian National Centre for the Public Awareness of Science (CPAS, Australian National University ANU), specialising in visual media and science communication. Other leadership roles include: inaugural Head of the Centre for New Media Arts, previously being the Head of the Australian Centre for the Arts and Technology, both ANU. Prior to this: Head of all Design Subjects (now Lincoln University UK) and advisor to the Regional Arts, British Arts Council.

She is an international artist, specialising in interdisciplinary research who focus is primarily on scientific exploration and technology, both in the advancement of innovation and in communicating her artistic practice in new and experimental ways, questioning and engaging audience in art, science and technology. Her scope of artistic creativity and research interests are extensive, multi-perspective, understanding concepts of looking through simple objects, artefacts, with analysis of its deeper meaning in data and visual research, including interactive exhibits and the application of innovative materials. Eleanor’s collaborative science art research projects and commissions have received international and national support, acknowledged by both Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Government and Australian Government.

Eleanor has taught creative practice, including research supervision across many subjects in the Creative Industries: Material and Spatial Practice (Creative Industries), Techno Arts (Technology and Arts), Interdisciplinary Practice, Digital and Media Arts, Science and Arts.

Eleanor’s interdisciplinary research is diverse and collaborative; her arts practice aligns with science, in unfolding stories of advanced knowledge within the complexity of scientific information and use of future technologies, including historical data. The aim is to find the core elements that trigger creative engagement and experimentation, transferring ideas into artistic output led by interdisciplinary research through the means of science and technology. This process relates to creative thinking in art and design practice, the intellectualising of thought and research involved in developing an idea and critical reflection in making work, not necessary complex, rather an intrinsic method for establishing dialogue in an interdisciplinary team with a wide range of experiences and differing research fields. The simplicity creates an open space for research dialogue, an interchange of ideas and entrepreneurial synergy for crossover practice.

Eleanor has received many research positions, she was awarded Scitech’s Innovation Residency for her project, ‘Under the Surface’ based on mining and mineral exploration in Western Australia, in association with the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) Mineral Resources Flagship. Her active research involves site visits, such as travelling deep underground at the Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mines (KCGM) Super Pit and visiting Data & Core Repositories at GeoScience Australia and the Department of Mines and Petroleum (DMP) in WA.

She has a PhD awarded in Science Communication (Science & Art) CPAS, in association with the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO).

Research Activity:

CSU eXtended Reality Centre (XRC)

Project Lead for the XR/AR/MR research initiative to develop the XRC across CSU, Health, Science, Agriculture, Dentistry, Education, Creative Industries, etc.

‘Catch Myself’ and ‘Evoking Memories’ - collective stories, a means to resonate an experience, thoughts and memory into a virtual reality / immersive experiences. This research builds on the opportunity to merge science-art-technology as the recreation of visual mindscapes (memory to visual images) that have potential positive benefits for our society in terms of working in areas of age-care population and health.

IMPeL: The Immersive Mesopelagic Performance Lab, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute

International artists and scientists research and develop a “performance lab” designed to allow humans to inhabit the perspective of deep sea organisms and embody different processes and patterns key to the daily life and health in the Mesopelagic Zone of the ocean at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI). A Competitive Seed Grant from the National Academies Keck Futures Initiative (NAFKI), the National Academies of Sciences.

Research Interests:

  • Digital Storytelling – VR, AR, mixed reality, interactive installations
    • Media Histories and Cultural Heritage
  • Digital Twins - Artefacts and virtual objects
    • Visualising Data - Innovative materials and new technologies
  • Bioarts – Interdisciplinary Practice
    • Bioinformatics, Codes and Pattern – Human identity
  • Scientific Arts – Communicating Innovation
    • Interpreting science through arts, performance, playful experiment, immersive environments

CSU Research Page https://researchoutput.csu.edu.au/en/persons/eleanor-stuart

ORCID Profile https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7880-1009

www.eleanorgatestuart.com https://eleanorgatestuart.com

  • Baker, Ché. PhD. In progress. ‘Revealing the Digital DaVinci: The storyteller revolution’ (Principal Supervisor)
  • Callinan, Tracy. PhD. In progress. ‘Place-specific policy development in non-metropolitan cultural and creative industries’ (Principal Supervisor)
  • Khan, Mohammed (Muqueem). PhD. In progress. ‘Optimal Digital Preservation for Digital Intangible Heritage’ (Principal Supervisor)
  • De Lima, Rafael. PhD. In progress. ‘TERRITORIAL ARREARS - reclaiming virtual and physical space with digitally-biased artwork’ (Principal Supervisor)
  • Sweeney, Marie-Christine. DComm. In progress. ‘Here and Now: Storytelling role of the children’s screen writer for the millennial generation’(Principal Supervisor)
  • Sim, Nichole Joy. PhD. In progress. ‘Psychological Trauma and Foreign Correspondents: Efforts by Australian News Organisations in Combating the Trauma that Comes with the Job’ (Co-supervisor)
  • Higgins, Bernard. Hons. In progress. ‘Co-development and co-creation of educational and training materials for Environmental Health Workers will address their knowledge shortfalls around rare but important diseases of animals’ (Co-supervisor) – Cross Faculty
  • National Competitive Grants Program Assessor for the Australian Research Council (ARC) – Current
  • Managing Editor of the Fusion Journal, Current
  • International Visiting Scholar and Research Workshop, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan. (2019)
  • Invited Keynote Speaker: Eleanor Gates-Stuart – Beyond the ordinary: In the mix of science and art, Visualisation Matters 2019, Canberra (2019)
  • Invited Keynote Speaker: Eleanor Gates-Stuart - Creative Adaptability TV & Film Summit CSU, (2019
  • Invited Speaker: Eleanor Gates-Stuart - Science Art, RENDER, Australian Animation Festival 2019, Wagga, (2019)
  • Specialist Mentor (Visual Arts & Technology), Australian Defence Force: Arts for Recovery, Resilience, Teamwork and Skills Program (ARRTS), University of Canberra (2017)
  • Organising Team: VizbiPlus: Visualising the Future of Biomedicine’ is a project funded by the Inspiring Australia government initiative, the Garvan Institute of Medical Research, the Walter & Eliza Hall Institute, and CSIRO (2017)
  • Specialist Adviser: Project development: Health and Arts Research Centre, Inc (HARC) Westmead Hospital Redevelopment , Blacktown Mount Druitt Hospitals Project, (2017)
  • Competition Judging Panel, ‘Open Art’, Artists Society of Canberra, Kingston Art Precinct (2017)
  • PhD Examiner, Technology and Arts, Queensland College of Art, Griffith University (2017)
  • Guest Lecturer, Media Arts and Design Programme, Division of Culture and Creativity, Beijing Normal University and Hong Kong Baptist University (BNU-HKBU) United International College, ROC (2016)
  • Guest Lecturer, Digital Art Lab, National Taiwan University of the Arts, Taipei, Taiwan (2016 and 2008)
  • Deputy Conference Chair: The 3rd ISAT: Collision, Collaboration and the Future of Artsci, NCKU, Taiwan (2016)
  • International Competition Panel, ‘Waterhouse Natural History Science Art Prize’, South Australia Museum (2016)
  • Chair, Accreditation Panel, Bachelor of Communication (Hons) in Media Arts & Design, Hong Kong Baptist University (HKUB) and the United International College (UIC), China (2016)
  • Visiting Fellow, School of Mathematical Science, Science and Engineering Faculty, QUT. Feb (2016)
  • Professional Associate, Faculty of Arts and Design, University of Canberra (Mobile Makers Group) (2015)
  • Board member, National Science Week (NSWk), ACT State and Territory Coordinating Committee. Supported by the Australian Government and key industry bodies (2012 – 2009)
  • Board member, CollabIT (ACT Gov’ and the Australian Information Industry Association (AIIA) (2010 – 2009)
  • Honorary Professorial Fellow, Faculty of Law, Humanities and the Arts at the University of Wollongong 2017- 2020
  • Seed Grant: IMPeL: The Immersive Mesopelagic Performance Lab, National Academies Keck Futures Initiative (NAKFI), National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine 2017 (USA)
  • National Academies Keck Futures Initiative (NAKFI), Deep Blue Ocean, Alumnus 2016 (USA)
  • Innovation Art-Scitech Artist in Residence, Supported by Rio Tinto (2015-2016)
  • CSIRO PhD Research Studentship, CSIRO Digital Productivity and Services Flagship (2014)
  • Canberra Critics Circle Award, StellrScope (2013)
  • ANU Vice Chancellor’s Travel Award, Presenter: Conference, IEEE VIS2013, Atlanta, USA (2013)
  • Centenary of Canberra Science Art Commission, ACT Government and the Australian Federal Government (2012-2013)
  • CSIRO Science Art Fellow, CSIRO Food Future Grains Flagship and Transformational Biology, (2012-2013)
  • International Visiting Scholar Research Award, Taiwan Ministry of Education, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (2008)

Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)

Australian Network for Arts & Technology (ANAT)

Australian Science Communicators (ASC)

National Association for the Visual Arts (NAVA) - Professional Status