Suzanne Uniacke


Professor Suzanne Uniacke

PhD, Sydney University

Professor in Philosophy

Suzanne Uniacke is a Professor in Philosophy at Charles Sturt University. Previously, Suzanne was Director of the Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics, CAPPE (CSU), July 2013 - December 2016. Prior to commencing at CSU in July 2013, Suzanne worked in philosophy departments in Australia and England and held research fellowships at the University of St Andrews, Harvard University, and the University of Stirling. Suzanne was Joint Editor and Chief Editor of the Journal of Applied Philosophy, June 2001- June 2013. Suzanne is a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Applied Philosophy.

Suzanne has extensive undergraduate and postgraduate teaching expertise and experience in philosophy and inter-disciplinary teaching on courses of environmental ethics, biomedical ethics, and philosophical issues in law.

Suzanne has held appointments as external examiner at the University of St Andrews (Moral Philosophy); the University of Birmingham (MSc in Medical Ethics and Law); and University College, Cork (Philosophy).

Suzanne has supervised a number of HDR students to successful completion, both in Australia and in the United Kingdom. She is currently co-supervising three doctoral students at CSU on topics in ethics, applied ethics, and political philosophy. She would particularly welcome enquiries from potential applicants for HDR study on issues of responsibility; moral and legal justification and excuse; issues of proportionality in ethics and law; and on topics in criminal justice ethics, biomedical ethics, and political ethics.

Suzanne's principal research focus is on issues in applied philosophy, ethics, philosophy of law, and social and political philosophy. She has published widely in these areas. She is probably best known for her published work on issues of the ethics of killing (such as self-defence, and euthanasia); responsibility, justification and excuse; intention and double effect; and the ethics of war. She is particularly interested in the interaction between practical ethical issues and issues in normative moral theory.