Elizabeth Wulff

Teaching and Research Staff

Dr Elizabeth Wulff

BA (Cult Studies & Cult Policy) Hons C1 (CSU); PhD (USYD); Dip Management (Martin College)

Lecturer in English Literature
Mansfield Building 1411, Room 227

Dr Elizabeth Wulff is a lecturer in English and has experience teaching a range of literature and sociology subjects. Elizabeth specialises in gender identity politics, gender and work roles, feminist and critical theory, speculative fiction and alternative social landscape relations. She is a qualitative researcher. Elizabeth has worked extensively with the Women in Trades team producing data on the successes and barriers for women in male dominated industries and is a co-lead of CSU’s The Gender Network. Most recently, Elizabeth has critiqued feminism in the films Barbie and Poor Things.

Elizabeth’s PhD explores alternative notions of the heroic in feminist science fiction, unpacking binary oppositions between being and becoming, mind and body, masculinity and femininity, culture and nature. These critiques recognise that narrative space is just as gendered as the characters that occupy it. Using contemporary theories of ‘sex’, ‘gender’, ‘subjectivity’ and the ‘body’ to critique the traditional heroic as a fixed social role and offer an alternative heroic, available to any body, Elizabeth’s thesis explores ‘thinking differently’ about the social world in fiction and reality.

Elizabeth has experience teaching a wide range of subjects and texts including classic and modern literature, Australian literature, sci fi and fantasy, fairy tales and literature for children and young adults.

She currently teaches:

LIT101 Language and Text
LIT224 Literature for Teens and Young Adults
CLT209 Media and Culture
LIT301 Modernism
LIT303 The English Novel

Elizabeth’s research Interests include:

*Feminist theory
*Feminist methodology
*Gender identity
*Gender and work
*Queer theory
*LGBTIQ studies
*Body and landscape relations

Elizabeth is currently working with the Women in Trades team (WIT) to wrap up two reports: Women in Mining and Tradeswomen Australia program Evaluation. WIT is also working on a collaboration project with Lincoln University in NZ.

Elizabeth is also working with the sociology teaching team to produce a paper on Teaching SOC101 and with Suzie Gibson on the feminism or not in films Barbie (Gerwig 2023) and Poor Things (Lanthimos 2023).

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