Oliver Villar

Teaching and Research Staff

Dr Oliver Villar

BA (Hons) PhD, UWS

Lecturer in History, Politics and Sociology
Mansfield Building 1411, Room 224

Oliver was born in Mendoza, Argentina and has lived in Sydney for most of his life. In 2008 he completed his PhD on the political economy of contemporary Columbia in the context of the cocaine drug trade at the University of Western Sydney (UWS), offering a radical critique of the ‘war on drugs’, the ‘war on terrorism’ and the global drug trade. Ten years of research culminated in his and Drew Cottle's 2011 book, 'Cocaine, Death Squads and the War on Terror: US Imperialism and Class Struggle in Colombia', published in the prestigious Monthly Review (Albert Einstein wrote its first lead article, 'Why Socialism?', in 1949). 'Cocaine, Death Squads and the War on Terror' details the complex nature of Colombian society and fostered recognition that the drug trade was a driver in global politics, and of the US's foreign policy with respect to drug-producing zones. 'Cocaine, Death Squads and the War on Terror' has impacted politics, culture and society, bringing the link between the global drug trade and the legitimate global economy to light. Following the book's release, it has been used by experts, journalists and community groups to critique the financial system, the war on drugs, the war on terror and US policy towards Colombia.

Oliver has been a lecturer since 2002, teaching politics, history, and sociology on a range of humanities and social science undergraduate programs at UWS, Macquarie University and Charles Sturt University (CSU). His published scholarly work focuses on international relations concerns, such as the exploitation of labour and natural resources for profit, security and conflict between the Global North and Global South, and the socio-political and environmental impacts of global capitalism.

At CSU, Oliver's academic interests continue to revolve around the vast and dynamic reservoir of political economy and the study of class analysis and class relations. This abiding interest extends across critical security studies, American foreign policy, and contemporary imperialism. His current research project investigates the subject of growing great power rivalries of the twenty-first century, with special attention on the globalisation of production and its shift to low-wage countries – particularly China – and US efforts to maintain its position as the leading hegemonic power in the Americas and in the world.

Current subject offering

  • HST210 The Rise of Media and Propaganda in the Twentieth Century
  • HST301 International History From 1945
  • HST308 Australia and Asia
  • POL110 Australian History and Politics
  • POL111 International Relations
  • POL213 Understanding Australian Political Life: Actors, Institutions and Policy
  • POL305 Power, Politics and Propaganda in the Media
  • SOC101 Understanding the Social World
  • SPE211 Foundations in Social Policy


  • HSS401 Project/Dissertation
  • HSS402 Reading Subject
  • HSS403 Theory and Method


  • PhD co-supervisor, Sam Malloy, Charles Sturt University, thesis topic: A Political History of Ben Chifley in the Context of the Ben Chifley Home and Education Centre.
  • PhD co-supervisor, Maslathif Dwi Purnomo, Charles Sturt University, thesis topic: The Power of Language on the Political Event in Indonesia: A Multimodal Analysis of President Jokowi's Speeches.
  • PhD co-supervisor, Jennifer O'Dempsey, Charles Sturt University, thesis topic: An Evaluation of Women's Social Roles, and Representations of Women in the Brisbane social protests (1967-1982). Thesis completed 2022.
  • PhD co-supervisor, Jennifer Watkins, Charles Sturt University, thesis topic: Rural Rites: Women's Experience of Funerals and Remembrance on Lower Eyre Peninsula in the post 1960s era. Thesis completed 2020.
  • Honours supervisor, Alexander Crampton, Charles Sturt University, thesis topic: The Political Economy of the Video Games Industry. Thesis completed with High Distinction 2020.
  • Honours supervisor, Peter Hanes, Charles Sturt University, thesis topic: The Politics of Adam Smith in Local Government Procurement. Thesis completed 2019.
  • Masters external supervisor, Paul Antonopoulos, University of Western Sydney, thesis topic: Origins of the Syrian Conflict. Thesis completed with High Distinction 2016.
  • Honours supervisor, Jordan McSwiney, Charles Sturt University, thesis topic: The Far-Right in Australia. Thesis completed with High Distinction 2016.
  • Honours co-supervisor, Claudio Dionigi, Charles Sturt University, thesis topic: The Works and Influence of Karl Polanyi. Thesis completed with High Distinction 2015.
  • Interdisciplinary Honours thesis co-supervisor, Marina Clayton, Charles Sturt University, thesis topic: Why Are Drugs Still Coming into Australia? Thesis completed with High Distinction 2013.

Current and abiding research interests

  • Global rivalries of the twenty-first century: the US, China, and Russia in the Americas and the world; contemporary imperialism, inter-imperial rivalry, and resistance.
  • Critical security studies: international security and great powers; economic and resource security; territorial conflicts and cross-border security; grand strategy; intra-state conflicts, insurgencies and guerrilla movements.
  • American foreign policy: counterinsurgency and counterterrorism strategy; state violence; civil wars and proxy wars.
  • International political economy: capitalism, corporatism, neoliberalism, globalisation, class analysis and class relations between and within the First World and Third World (or Global North and Global South), and the West and East.

Research impact samples


  • The Gulbali Institute, Charles Sturt University
  • Latin America Social Forum, Sydney, Australia
  • Latin American House Inc. Melbourne, Australia


  • ERA discipline expert, Charles Sturt University’s Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) 2018

Thesis examinations

  • Master of Arts (Research) thesis examiner, Australia’s Position in the Capitalist World System: Marxist Theories of Imperialism and Australian Marxism. By Nicolas Lourenco, University of Sydney, 5 February 2023.
  • Master of Research thesis examiner, The Balkans Unplugged (1991-2008): Serbia, Geopolitics, and the Ideal of a Russian “New Byzantium”. By Branko Tanaskovic, Western Sydney University, 4 September 2021.
  • Honours thesis examiner, The Origins of the Cambodian-Vietnamese War. By Paul Antonopoulos, University of Western Sydney, 5 November 2012.
  • Honours thesis examiner, An Imperial Legacy: American Foreign Policy in Post War Latin America. By James Trapani, University of Western Sydney, 17 November 2010.
  • Honours thesis examiner, A Delicate Alliance: Hegemony and the Political Economic Genesis of Neoliberalism in Australia. By Joe Collins, Charles Sturt University, 27 August 2010

Reviewer (journals, conferences, theses)

  • Reviewer, academic journal Alternatives: Global, Local, Political, “Defence Diplomacy in Argentina: Finding New Roles for the Military in Democracy”, 16 February 2023.
  • Reviewer, academic Journal of Labor and Society (JLSO), “Conceptualizing the Popular Economy in Latin America: A View from Colombia,” 3 June 2022.
  • Reviewer, academic journal The International Journal of Community and Social Development, “Demands and Expectations by Young Residents of Impoverished Neighbourhoods in Central America,” 31 July 2021.
  • Reviewer, academic journal Social Sciences, “The Rise of Fascist Formations in Chile and in the World,” 30 November 2020.
  • Reviewer, PhD examiners reports meeting, Charles Sturt University, 9 April 2018. Thesis topic: Exploring the Limit to Neutrality in Political Liberalism, Paul Griffiths.
  • Reviewer, PhD Candidature confirmation, Charles Sturt University, 9 March 2018. Thesis topic: Media and Democracy in the Third Space: Defining the spatial location of the Turkish media in the Euro-Muslim World, Fulya Vatansever.
  • Reviewer, academic journal Rural Society, “The Trump Administration & Efficiency: The proposed border ‘wall’ and its possible geopolitical implications", 6 January 2018.
  • Reviewer, academic Journal of Labor and Society (LANDS), “Jose Carlos Mariategui: Welding Marxism and Indigenism in Latin America”, 11 November 2017.
  • Reviewer, PhD Candidature confirmation, Charles Sturt University, 26 May 2016. Thesis topic: Political Scandals in Australian Politics, Liam Lander.
  • Reviewer, Master’s Candidature confirmation, University of Western Sydney, 28 October 2013. Thesis topic: The Syrian Crisis, Paul Antonopoulos.
  • Reviewer, PhD Candidature confirmation, University of Western Sydney, 15 April 2011. Thesis topic: The Cold War in Latin America, James Trapani.
  • Reviewer for conference proceedings, The Australasian Political Studies Association (APSA) Annual Conference.Macquarie University, Sydney, 28-30 September 2009.

Selected talks and guest lectures

  • “Applying a Marxist perspective to the political economies of Colombia and Bolivia” via Zoom, Claremont McKenna College, California, 12 February 2022.
  • Expert forum participant, “Imperialism, Globalisation and the Challenges of 2017”, Federation of Italian Migrant Workers and Their Families, Granville Public Library, 8 July 2017.
  • Guest speaker, “The left in crisis? Problems of strategy and ideology in the age of 21st century imperialism”, Latin American House Inc. Sydney Australia, 29 October 2016. (Presented in Spanish).
  • Expert panel participant, “Voting yes or no to peace: Implications for upcoming plebiscite on ending the Colombian civil war,” United for Colombia, Sydney, 24 September 2016.
  • “In Whose Hands is Colombia's Future?” Guest speaker, “Colombia: Prospects and Challenges in the Context of the Peace Process,” Latin America Social Forum/United for Colombia, Sydney, 9 April 2016.
  • Invitation as expert to “Colombia: Inside Out,” Debate hosted by LATITUDES / Latin American Research Group Australia, University of New South Wales (UNSW), 8 August 2014.
  • Talk on the current situation in Colombia and neighbouring countries – Guest speaker for postgraduate students, University of Technology Sydney (UTS), 31 May 2014.
  • Talk on “Analysis of the Situation of Colombian Farmers” – Guest speaker for United for Colombia committee, Newtown community centre, 30 November 2013.
  • Guest lecture on the Latin American drug trade, Centre for Transnational Crime Prevention, University of Wollongong, 24 August 2012.
  • “The Great Struggle in Latin America,” guest speaker, Latin America Social Forum (LASF) Conference,Sydney, 18-19 August 2012.
  • “Critiques of international political economy,” Chair for the Annual Historical Materialism Australasia conference, Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts, 20-21 July 2012.
  • Talk on Colombia for International Solidarity Conference for Latin America, Trades Hall, Melbourne, 28-29 August 2009.
  • Talk on US counterinsurgency operations in Central and South America since the Cold War – Guest speaker for Committee for Human Rights in Guatemala, 24 January 2009.
  • Talk on “Parapolitica” scandal and International Criminal Court investigation (ICC) of the Colombian government of Alvaro Uribe Velez – Guest speaker for Peace and Justice for Colombia (PJFC), Sydney, 29 November 2008.
  • Talk on Colombian conflict for Latin America Conference, University of Technology Sydney (UTS), 10 October 2006.
  • Guest lecture on US policy towards Colombia, University of Western Sydney (UWS), 3 September 2004.

Other professional activities

  • Politics Honours research course launch (HSS401 Research/Dissertation, HSS402 Reading Subject, HSS403 Political Theory and Method), 17 March 2016.
  • Book launches, Sydney, Bathurst, and Melbourne, 15, 19, and 21 March 2012.
  • Open Letter in Solidarity with Hunger Strikes at La Tramacúa Prison, Valledupar, Colombia (among 136 academics, public intellectuals, and Human Rights groups), 2 July 2011, https://anncolprov.blogspot.com/2011/07/organizaciones-internacionales-piden-el.html
  • Open Letter to Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez Frias in opposition to extradition policy with Colombia (among 100 leading Latin Americanists, NGOs, and community groups), 27 April 2011.
  • Registration for Research Higher Degree (HDR) Supervisor, Charles Sturt University, 12 April 2011.
  • Graduate Certificate in University Learning and Teaching (GCULT) – EEL409, 10 June 2010.
  • Foundations of University Learning and Teaching (FULT), 8 December 2009.