Rohena Duncombe

Teaching and Research Staff

Rohena Duncombe

off campus

Academically Rohena is subject coordinator for Social Work Theory and Practice 1 and Developing Cross Cultural Competencies. Rohena is a co-convenor of the international Social Work and Health Inequality Network (SWHIN) with whom she associate edited a special edition of the British Journal of Social Work in 2019. The special issue focused on indigenous health research and writing on indigenous health internationally.
Her own research interests in health inequality are related to service access and delivery and service entry systems in health, especially in relation to vulnerable populations. She is presently working on access to primary health care for people living homeless in a rural coastal community.

Rohena has combined her academic work with practice as a Social Worker with NSW Health and is an accredited Mental Health practitioner. She has been involved in a place based service for people living homeless and is presently been working with One Roof Byron and involved in the Byron Shire Homeless interagency. She is interested in supporting services to move to an inclusive philosophy where service users are included in service design and delivery. She is an advocate for the impact of trauma on people living homeless being taken into account in managing emotional and behavioural issues.
Rohena and her colleagues at the Homeless Breakfast received the ANSWWER 2018 Community Service Award for their work