Sabine Wardle

Teaching and Research Staff

Dr Sabine Wardle

Senior Lecturer in Social Work
Wagga Wagga
Bldg 26

Sabine brings her 20 years of teaching and coordinating undergraduate, postgraduate and vocational courses. She began Work in aged care in 2005 and later practised in areas of grief and loss, community development and rehabilitation. During her transition to tertiary education teaching, Sabine was also a school counsellor. Sabine worked as an educator, coordinator and academic lead for social work workplace learning (WPL). Sabine has a passion for interprofessional and experiential learning and has extended her skills into Clinical Simulation, where she has had Simulation Instructor training through the University of California. Sabine achieved her PhD focusing on lived experiences of a culturally and linguistically diverse population group (Punjabi Indians) with palliative care services at residential aged care facilities in regional NSW. She has maintained an interest in social justice and cultural inclusion, focusing on spiritual and religious aspects of the culturally and linguistically diverse population within an Australian context, particularly on palliative and end-of-life care and the use of public spaces such as public libraries and hospitals. Sabine is a social work consultant for culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) population groups with Palliative Care Social Work Australia (PCSWA).

Sabine teaches a range of subjects in Social Work. As the subject coordinator, she has an interdisciplinary focus on subject development and delivery. She currently teaches:

  • HCS204 - Research Methods
  • HCS103 - Fields or Practice
  • SPE211 - Social Policy
  • SWK423 - Ethics and Social Work Practice
  • WEL409 - Grief, Loss and Change

Sabine has extensive experience leading and coordinating various social work placement subjects.  
Sabine also supervises Honours, Master and PhD students in Social Work and Human Services.

  • Palliative Care and End-of-life
  • Grief and Loss
  • Ageing and Spirituality
  • Use of simulation in Social Work pedagogy
  • Culturally and Linguistically Diverse communities/groups
  • Innovation in Social Work Field Education
  • Social Work and Libraries (SWiL)

Current research projects

  • Psychosocial needs and barriers in palliative care for Australian Veterans (and their families): A scoping review
  • Evaluation of the use of simulation in social work pedagogy during Covid-19: A systematic scoping review
  • Delivering a sustainable palliative care service through the application of a decision support tool
  • Preserving and promoting cultural practices in palliative care through digital storytelling-Funded by the Early Career Research (ECR) Grant, Charles Sturt University
  • Social Work in public libraries: an international scoping review
  • Library staff and social Work: Exploring experiences of library staff in response to patrons’ social welfare needs