Ahmad Hassan

Teaching and Research Staff

Ahmad Hassan

B. Comm, M. Islamic Studies

Lecturer in Islamic Sciences


Ahmad received his Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Wollongong in 1984. He has also held various senior leadership roles with Australian and multi-national corporations across a number of industry sectors. He has also completed a number of leadership and management training courses throughout his corporate career. Ahmad has completed his Master in Islamic Studies from Charles Sturt University in 2013. His assentation addressed the role of the financial regulatory authorities in Islamic finance in Australia. Ahmad is currently preparing a submission for a research thesis in Islamic Finance and its future development in Australia.

Ahmad has been teaching courses in Islamic studies since 2013 in topics related to Islamic ethics, Islam in the modern world and the theology of Qur'an. He has also been actively involved in the design and implementation of a number of initiatives related to Islamic finance, youth education, studies of classical Arabic, contemporary Islamic studies and the Australian Journal of Islamic Studies . Ahmad is currently a lecturer and subject coordinator at CISAC.

Ahmad is a member of the Islamic Research Academy of Australia (ISRA).