Charles Sturt University
Charles Sturt University


FAQs: Birth to Five Years Placements

Click on the headings below for answers to frequently asked questions about Bachelor of Education (Birth to Five Years) Professional Experience Placements.

Questions about arranging the placement

How many days professional experience do I need to do?

Students commencing their course in 2012 onwards will need to undertake a 20 day placement with 0-2 year olds and a 25 day placement with 3-5 year olds. This is a course accreditation requirement

When do I need to complete my placement?

You must complete your placement between week 3 and week 12 of the session in which you are enrolled in the placement subject. Dates outside this range must be approved by the Workplace Learning Team.

I still have to organise my placement and I don't think I will finish it this session. What should I do?

If Census date has not passed you need to withdraw from the subject for this semester. If Census date has passed you need to discuss your options with your Subject coordinator.

Who organises my placement?

You organise your own placement. You will need to find a Service who has an ACECQA approved University trained Early Childhood Teacher who can accept you at a mutually convenient time. You are also required to inform the educator that they will be required to be a mentor and spend time with you to arrange planning and ensure completion of all work is at a University level.

I have not received anything in regards to my placement. When will paperwork arrive?

All relevant paperwork is now online and sent to your supervising teacher at your nominated services email provided by you on your application form. It is your responsibility to ensure the email address is correct and check that your supervising teacher has received the link upon your first day of placement. If your supervising teacher has not received the link to their documentation please notify the workplace learning team immediately as this link provides the supervising teacher with the report and timesheets required for your placement.

How many hours do I need to do each day?

You must work the same days as your supervising teacher (the person who supervises you in the EC Centre). However you need to work 7 hours per day (excluding break times).

What qualifications must my Supervising Teacher have?

Your supervising teacher must hold an ACECQA approved Early Childhood degree.

I have not been able to find an Early Childhood Centre which has an Early Childhood Teacher in the Birth – Two room. 

The person holding the University qualification does not have to be the person who is in the room with you, however there needs to be a University Qualified Early Childhood Teacher working in the Centre who will be willing to spend as much time as possible mentoring you and be prepared to undertake a mid-session discussion with you and sign off on your professional experience report after discussion with the person who is in the room with you. You need to be proactive in communicating with your supervising teacher.

Unsuitable Placement Choices

Can I complete my professional experience at the same service my child attends or where I have a relationship/association with the Service?

No, you are not to have any relationship/association with the nominated EC setting in way of family relationships i.e. children attending this Service; relationships/friendships; or have worked with any staff member including your supervising teacher or Director. You are also not permitted to complete your placement by swapping with another staff member within the same organisation or with family members.

Can I undertake my placement where I work?

No, you cannot complete your placement in your current workplace or one from which you are on leave, or have been employed at in the past two years. You are not to be included in the staff/child ratios at any time during your placement, nor are you to be paid by your nominated setting as students are classified as volunteer/students and as such cannot receive payment.

Can I do all my placements in the same service?

No – however, in some cases of extreme circumstances individuals may be granted the same service. This is generally in isolated rural and remote areas where services are limited.

When do I need to complete my placement?

It is in your best interest to undertake your placement between week 3 and week 12 of the session in which you are enrolled in the placement subject. Dates outside this range are subject to prior approval. Please contact the Workplace Learning Team –

Who organises my placement?

You organise your own placement. You will need to find a Service who has an ACECQA approved University trained Early Childhood Teacher who can accept you at a mutually convenient time. You are also required to inform the educator that they will be required to be a mentor and spend time with you to arrange planning and ensure completion of all work is at a University level.

I have not received anything in regards to my placement. When will paperwork arrive?

All relevant paperwork is now online and sent to your supervising teacher at your nominated services email provided on your application form. It is your responsibility to check they have received the link upon your first day of placement and notify the Workplace Learning Team immediately.

I have submitted my application. When will I receive my approval?

Applications are assessed in start date order and must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the proposed commencement date of your placement. Failure to do so may result in you not being able to commence your placement at that time. As you can appreciate, with a queue for application assessment, late applications "push in" and create frustration for others who have followed the process appropriately.

How can I ensure my application is approved without me having to re-submit?

  • Include the name and address of your current employer. If you are unemployed please indicate your previous employer and when you left.
  • Ensure you provide the FULL name of your Supervising Teacher and that their name is spelt correctly
  • When providing the ACECQA recognised qualification of your Supervising Teacher please be VERY specific and accurate. We require the correct name of their qualification. For example; Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood) Avondale College.
  • The correct placement dates/days. If you are undertaking your placement less than 5 days a week, please indicate this on your application. Please advise which days you will be there. Your Professional Experience Liaison Officer will use this information to determine when they will call you.
  • Please find out if the Service will be closed during your placement (public holidays for example) and indicate this as well.

I have not received approval yet but I want to start my placement. Can I start my placement if I have not received approval?  

You cannot commence your placement without written approval from Charles Sturt. If you do so, you will not be covered by our insurance and your placement may be null and void.

Placement Flexibility

Can I do my placement at less than 5 days per week?

Yes, however you must complete a minimum of two days per week and these days must be the same days for the duration of the placement. If you need to change your days you must notify the  the Workplace Learning Team

Absences, Exams, Excursions and Staff Development days

If I miss a few days due to illness, misadventure etc. do I need to make them up?

Due to accreditation and course requirements, students are not permitted any days absent and must make up all days missed including public holiday; excluding public holidays or industrial action which are exemptions from placement and included as placement days.

Other questions

Who sends in the reports, me or the Service?

You are responsible for uploading the final report to EASTS at the completion of the placement. Please ensure that the report is signed by yourself, your supervising teacher and Director.