Helen Logan

Adjunct Staff

Dr Helen Logan

Early childhood education policy, Doctor of Philosophy, Charles Sturt University

Adjunct Senior Lecturer
off campus

Dr. Helen Logan is a Senior Lecturer in Early Childhood Education at Charles Sturt University in the School of Teacher Education. Her career spans 20+ years leading early childhood programs and services for children in their years prior to school. At Charles Sturt Helen has developed and taught subjects in leading early childhood, play, and learning, relationships, and pedagogy in early childhood and child development studies.

Helen’s research has largely focussed on quality in early childhood education and care policy, policy history, and educator well-being. Her current research focuses on educator well-being in the Early Childhood Educator Well-being Project. This project takes a holistic approach to examining the psychological and physiological aspects of early childhood educators’ well-being within the context of their work environments. In 2020, Helen was invited as a visiting scholar to further her research at Tampere University, Finland.

Helen’s commitment to early childhood education is evident in her extra-curricular activities. Currently, Helen is a reviewer for numerous national and international peer-reviewed scholarly books and journals. She is currently the National Secretary for OMEP Australia (World Organisation for Early Childhood).