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Head of School

Associate Professor Will Letts

Head of School, School of Education

School Executive Support Officers

Donna Bateup

School Executive Support Officer

Deanne Grant

School Executive Support Officer

Narelle Sanders

School Executive Support Officer

Associate Heads of School

Dr Graham Daniel

Associate Head of School (Staffing and Development) & Senior Lecturer in Educational Psychology

Professor Amy MacDonald

Associate Head of School (Research and External Engagement) & Professor in Education

Dr Sarah-Jane Lord

Associate Head of School (Learning and Teaching)

Dr Anne McLeod

Associate Head (Workplace Learning and Partnerships) / Course Director (Education)

Associate Professor Jennifer Munday

Associate Head (Research and External Engagement) / Associate Professor

Associate Professor Lena Danaia

Associate Head (Staffing and Development) / Associate Professor

Course Directors

Dr Greg Auhl

Course Director / Adjunct Research Fellow

Trish Briggs

Course Director BEd (K-12) / Workplace Learning Coordinator/Lecturer

Dr Rahul Ganguly

Senior Lecturer and Course Director

Dr Lorraine Gaunt

Course Director (Bachelor and Master of Teaching (Secondary)) / Lecturer in Teacher Education

Dr Rachael Hutchesson

Course Director B Ed (K-12 Bathurst and Port Macquarie), (TAS) and (IE TAS) (IE KLA)

Dr Anne McLeod

Associate Head (Workplace Learning and Partnerships) / Course Director (Education)

Dr Clare Power

Course Director / Teacher Performance Assessment (TPA) Coordinator / Lecturer

Dr Daryl South

Course Director

Penny Stephens

Course Review Lead

Melanie Sugumaran

Course Director / Lecturer

Dr Kelly Tribolet

Course Director

Dr Tace Vigliante

Course Director / Senior Lecturer

Professorial Staff

Associate Professor Alan Bain

Associate Professor

Associate Professor Lena Danaia

Associate Head (Staffing and Development) / Associate Professor

Associate Professor Christina Davidson

Senior Lecturer

Associate Professor Angela Fenton

Associate Professor

Professor Amy MacDonald

Associate Head of School (Research and External Engagement) & Professor in Education

Distinguished Professor Sharynne McLeod

Distinguished Professor of Speech and Language Acquisition

Associate Professor Jennifer Munday

Associate Head (Research and External Engagement) / Associate Professor

Teaching and Research Staff

Dr Ryan Al-Natour

Lecturer in Education

Maria Bennet


Heather Campbell


Mr Antoni Cantone

Lecturer in Teacher Education

Dr Fiona Collins


Dr Jessamy Davies

Lecturer in Education

Dr Tanya Davies

Lecturer in Education

Dr Lysa Dealtry

Lecturer in Education

Cheree Dean


Dr James Deehan

Lecturer in Teacher Education

Dr Wendy DeLuca

Lecturer in Adult and Vocational Education

Dr Belinda Downey

Associate Lecturer in Education

Dr Sheena Elwick

Senior Lecturer in Early Childhood Education

Janine Ferguson

Academic Program Support Officer

Dr Susanne Francisco

Senior Lecturer

Dr Letitia Galloway

Lecturer, Professional Practice

Dr Lorraine Gaunt

Course Director (Bachelor and Master of Teaching (Secondary)) / Lecturer in Teacher Education

Dr Leanne Gibbs

Senior Lecturer in Education

Dr Lincoln Gill

Senior Lecturer

Paul Grover

Lecturer in Education

Dr Sarah Gurr

Lecturer in Education

Dr Janelle Hill

Lecturer in Mathematics Education

Dr Erin Hunter

Lecturer in Literacy and English Education

Dr Rachael Hutchesson

Course Director B Ed (K-12 Bathurst and Port Macquarie), (TAS) and (IE TAS) (IE KLA)

Dr Rachael Jefferson

Lecturer in Human Movement Studies (Health and PE)

Mrs Natalie Johnston

Program Lead – Grow Your Own Local Teacher Pipeline (GYOLTP)

Dr Kiprono Langat


Dr Jianxin (Richard) Liu

Lecturer in Literacy and ESL Education

Dr Mayamiko Malola

Lecturer in Mathematics Education

Associate Professor Libbey Murray

Associate Professor

Dr Genaro Oliveira

Lecturer in HSIE Education

Paul Parker

Lecturer in Initial Teacher Education

Dr Kylie Press


Dr Sarah Redshaw

Senior Research Fellow

Dr Jessica Amy Sears

Lecturer in Teacher Education, Discipline Lead of Health and Physical Education

Dr Shukla Sikder

Lecturer in Early Childhood Education

Dr Kathleen Smithers

Lecturer in Education

Dr Natalie Thompson

Lecturer in Education

Dr Jacquie Tinkler

Sub-Dean (Learning and Teaching) / Lecturer

Mr Toivo Kim Tuovinen

Academic Program Support Officer / Lecturer in Education

Dr Tace Vigliante

Course Director / Senior Lecturer

Workplace Learning Academics

Stacey Jones

Senior Workplace Learning Coordinator / Lecturer

Sharon Ahern

Workplace Learning Coordinator/Lecturer

Trish Briggs

Course Director BEd (K-12) / Workplace Learning Coordinator/Lecturer

Kasey Hillyar

Workplace Learning Coordinator/Lecturer

Dr Melanie Innes

Workplace Learning Coordinator / Lecturer

Dr Clare Power

Course Director / Teacher Performance Assessment (TPA) Coordinator / Lecturer

Tanya Schiller

Workplace Learning Coordinator

Emeritus Professors

Emeritus Professor Sue Dockett

Emeritus Professor

Emeritus Professor Toni Downes

Emeritus Professor

Emeritus Professor Bill Green

Emeritus Professor

Emeritus Professor Stephen Kemmis

Emeritus Professor

Emeritus Professor Bob Meyenn

Emeritus Professor

Emeritus Professor Bob Perry

Emeritus Professor

Emeritus Professor Jo-Anne Reid

Emeritus Professor

Emeritus Professor Jennifer Sumsion

Emeritus Professor

Adjunct Staff

Dr Rod Francis

Associate Professor

Belinda Friezer

Adjunct Research Fellow

Professor Linda Harrison

Adjunct Professor of Early Childhood Education

Dr Kathryn Hopps

Adjunct Research Fellow

Miss Grace Kelly

Adjunct Research Associate

Dr Alan Laughlin

Adjunct Professor

Mark Lee

Adjunct Senior Lecturer

Dr Helen Logan

Adjunct Senior Lecturer

Associate Professor Noella Mackenzie

Associate Professor in Literacy Studies

Dr Linda Mahony

Senior Lecturer in Education

Dr Lana McCarthy

Associate Professor Kay Owens

Adjunct Associate Professor

Dr Peter Rushbrook

Adjunct Associate Professor

Ms Tracy Sorensen

Adjunct Research Associate