Mark Lee

Adjunct Staff

Mark J.W. Lee

DipIT, DipBus, DipTrng&Assmt, DipeLrng, AdvDipIT, GradCertHRM, GradCertMgmt, GradCertProfPracMgmt, GradCerteLrng, GradCertInnovEd&Trng, GradCertLdrshpEd&Trng, GradCertVocEd&Trng, GradDipStratBus, GradDipAdult&VocEd, MInfoTech

Adjunct Senior Lecturer

Mark J.W. Lee is an adjunct senior lecturer with the School of Education at Charles Sturt University and an honorary senior research fellow with the School of Engineering and Information Technology at Federation University Australia. Previously, he worked in a variety of teaching, instructional design and managerial roles at various private higher education and vocational education and training (VET) institutions. He has published widely in the areas of educational technology, e-learning and innovation in tertiary teaching, with approximately 70 refereed papers, articles and chapters to his name. According to Google Scholar, he is within the top 25 most highly cited authors with expertise in 'online learning' or 'e-learning', within the top 40 most highly cited in 'educational technology', and within the top 10 in 'virtual worlds' or 'mobile learning' (as at March 2015).

Mark was the editor-in-chief of MERLOT's Journal of Online Learning and Teaching from 2012 to 2014. He continues to serve as editor-in-charge of special issues for the Journal of Computer Assisted Learning and as an associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Education. In addition, he is a consulting editor for Educational Technology Research & Development and serves on the editorial boards of a number of several other leading international journals in his fields of expertise. He is a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Australian Computer Society and Association for Computing Machinery, and an associate fellow of the Australian Institute of Management.

In 2015, Mark is a visiting faculty member in the Entertainment Technology Center at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (USA).

  • Learning and cognition in, and instructional design for, 3D virtual and immersive environments/worlds
  • Mixed/blended reality technologies (e.g. augmented reality, next-generation telepresence systems) in the classroom and in student field work
  • Mobile, wearable and ubiquitous/pervasive computing for formal, informal and lifelong learning
  • Digital games and gamification in K–12 and higher education
  • Use of Web 2.0 technologies and social media (blogs, wikis, podcasting, social networking, YouTube, Twitter, etc) to promote authentic inquiry, reflection and collaborative knowledge construction
  • Academic/faculty development and teacher training (with a particular focus on teacher conceptions of / beliefs about learning, teaching and technology)
  • Digital scholarship and scholarly publishing in the 21st century (including alternatives to traditional journal rankings and measures of publication quality)
  • Curricular and pedagogical innovation in computer science, information technology and cognate disciplines (especially computer programming)
  • Organisational/workplace e-learning


  • Editor-in-Chief, MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching (JOLT), 2014
  • Editor-in-Chief, Impact: Journal of Applied Research in Workplace E-learning, 2009–2011
  • Special Issues Editor, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 2013–Current
  • Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Education (IEEE-ToE), 2011–Current
  • Associate Editor, International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations (IJGCMS), 2011–2012
  • Consulting Editor, Educational Technology Research & Development (ETR&D), 2011–Current
  • Editorial Board Member, Journal of Computing in Higher Education (JCHE), 2015–Current
  • Editorial Board Member, Interactive Learning Environments (ILE), 2014–Current
  • Editorial Board Member, British Journal of Educational Technology (BJET), 2011–Current
  • Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (ijCSCL), 2011–Current
  • Editorial Board Member, Research in Learning Technology (formerly ALT-J), 2010–Current
  • Editorial Board Member, The Internet and Higher Education, 2009–Current
  • Editorial Board Member, Education + Training, 2011–2013
  • Editorial Board Member, Journal of Research on Technology in Education (JRTE), 2011–2013
  • International Advisory Board Member, International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments (IJVPLE), 2013–Current
  • Peer reviewer for several other journals including: Computers & Education; Australasian Journal of Educational Technology; Educational Technology & Society; IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies; Learning, Media and Technology; Journal of Educational Computing Research; International Journal of Virtual Reality
  • Proceedings Editor, Publications Chair, Volunteer Chair, Steering or Organising Committee Member, Program Committee Member, peer reviewer and sessional facilitator for numerous local, national and international conferences in the fields of education, information technology and computer science.


  • Fellow, MirandaNet
  • Associate Fellow, Australian Institute of Management (AIM)
  • Life Senior Member, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
  • Senior Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) (and member of both the IEEE Education Society and the IEEE Computer Society)
  • Senior Member, Australian Computer Society (ACS)
  • Member, Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
  • Member, Australian College of Educators (ACE)
  • Member, American Educational Research Association (AERA)
  • Member, Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ascilite)
  • Member, Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA)
  • Member, Open and Distance Learning Association of Australia (ODLAA)
  • Member, Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT)
  • Member, International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS)
  • Member, European Distance Learning and E-learning Network (EDEN)
  • Member, Commercial Education Society of Australia (CESA)
  • Member, Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN)