Daryl South

Course Directors

Dr Daryl South

MEd (EdAdmin), BVocEd&Train, PhD

Course Director (Adult Vocational Education, Bachelor of Educational Studies) / Senior Lecturer
Wagga Wagga
Building 27, Room 227

Daryl South is a Course Director in the Faculty of Arts and Education. Prior to commencing at Charles Sturt University, Daryl's background was as a soldier and officer in the Australian Army. He has been involved in the vocational education sector at all levels, from small group trainer to managing a training organisation and developing policy, prior to moving into the higher education sector.

Daryl commenced his relationship with Charles Sturt University as an undergraduate student studying for his Bachelor of Vocational Education, and maintained this relationship through the completion of his Master's degree and subsequently onto his PhD.

Daryl started working with Charles Sturt as a sessional lecturer in the adult and vocational education courses, prior to accepting his current role as a Course Director. Daryl's primary responsibility is to ensure the courses he is responsible for are designed to meet the personal and professional needs of graduates.

Daryl's education passion is outdoor experiential learning, particularly using this medium for personal development and resilience. He has taught across a number of professional fields including lithographic printing, Geographic Information Systems, outdoor education, training systems and training development.

Daryl's research focuses on the physiological influences on cognition as measured by heart rate variability. His PhD thesis is examining the potential for a resilience intervention that uses a heart rate variability bio-feedback tool to improve decision making in a time constrained stressful environment.

  • Member of the Australian Council of Deans of Education Vocational Education Group