Penny Stephens

Course Directors

Penny Stephens

B.App.Sc. (Chem), Grad.Dip.Teach. (Sec), M.Educ.

Course Review Lead
Wagga Wagga

As Course Review Lead, Penny Stephens leads, and project manages, the Comprehensive Course Review process and professional reaccreditation for the School of Education’s initial teacher education courses.  This includes leadership of planning and curriculum development for the courses; for course modifications, course quality assurance and internal and external accreditation processes and application of Charles Sturt’s academic regulations and policies to the courses.

She has previously been employed as a teacher (Chemistry, Biology, Marine Studies) and educational advisor/project officer in various education sectors and systems and, at Charles Sturt University, she has held the positions of Lecturer, Science Education and Course Director.

Research interests include course design, delivery, growth, accreditation, quality assurance and evaluation in initial teacher education, in alignment with national accreditation, University and Faculty priorities.