Rachael Hutchesson

Course Directors

Dr Rachael Hutchesson

Dip Ed, Bed (Primary), Honours (1st Class), PhD (with Distinction)

Course Director B Ed (K-12 Bathurst and Port Macquarie), (TAS) and (IE TAS) (IE KLA)
Building 1431 Room 1.42

Dr Rachael Hutchesson has worked in various positions (research, administration, teaching) at CSU over the past 20 years. Rachael has currently taken on the Course Director for BEd K-12 (Bathurst and Port Macquarie). Rachael is primary teacher trained and has been lecturing at Charles Sturt for 15 years in early childhood/primary/secondary subjects mainly focused on social justice issues and creative arts. Rachael's PhD explored the ways the term 'at-risk' is used in policies and practices and how young people live with the label in the context of community arts programs. Rachael has also run/worked in a number of drama/creative arts programs working with young people who have left school early or are thinking about leaving.

Rachael's main research interests are social justice, creative arts, Indigenous education, inclusive education, gender, identity construction and post structural theory. Current research projects include self-efficacy and Creative Arts teaching K-12.

  • Co-Chair of the SoE Learning & Teaching Working Party
  • Member of the SAC Committee