Brendon Hyndman

Teaching and Research Staff

Dr Brendon Hyndman

B.Ed (PE) Hons; GradCertEd. (Tertiary Ed.); GradCertUniLeadMgt; PhD (HPE)

Senior Lecturer in Personal Development, Health and Physical Education
Albury / Wodonga
Building 763, Room 118

Doctor Brendon Hyndman (PhD) is a teacher and researcher in health and physical education, wellbeing and physical activity within the School of Education at CSU. Brendon is a former school teacher and education system leader (including valuable recent industry and teaching experience) with almost two decades experience across senior research, learning and teaching academic roles across multiple universities including: Associate Dean Research, Sub-Dean Graduate Studies, Courses Director for Postgraduate Education pathways, Course Coordinator of Initial Teacher Education qualifications, Chair of School Board, and as a Higher Degree by Research coordinator.

Brendon is a multi- award-winning teacher, researcher and author, co-authoring around 150 education-focused publications including over 50 peer-reviewed journal articles, four refereed books/monographs, regular thought leadership publications in The Conversation and high quality refereed book chapters used nationally and internationally.

Brendon currently serves as the Sport and Physical Education Section Editor for the Springer Nature Journal: Sport Sciences for Health, is on the Academic Advisory Board for ACHPER National, is Australian representative for the Global Recess Alliance organisation. He has also led major national campaigns to better promote play across all childhood age groups and has developed a range of policies, position statements and recommendations relating to improving outdoor recreational influences, especially in schools.

Personal Development, Health & Physical Education.

My research has been focused on schools as a crucial setting to develop students’ physical activity, active play, physical education and wellbeing outcomes, alongside research into emerging digital learning and extreme weather protection possibilities. This research has been guiding teacher awareness of the range of multi-dimensional influences and strategies to develop students’ wellbeing and teacher professional learning across informal, pedagogical and curricular approaches. I have a passion for unearthing new knowledge around emerging and novel areas (especially approaches that encourage autonomy and participant-centredness) that can positively transform education and wellbeing outcomes. A strength has been the dissemination, reach and impact from this research both nationally and internationally.

  • Global Recess Alliance
  • AARE