B App Sc, Grad Dip T(Sec), M Sp Ed, MPhil, PhD Lorraine is a Lecturer in Teacher Education in the School of Education at Charles Sturt University. Lorraine has over 25 years experience as a Secondary Mathematics, Science and Special Education teacher and Head of Special Education Services at a range of Queensland secondary schools. She has 12 years experience working in the tertiary education sector. Prior to commencing at Charles Sturt, Lorraine worked at both the University of Southern Queensland and the University of Queensland. Having completed her PhD in 2020, Lorraine’s research interests include supporting numeracy development and promoting inclusive mathematics education in the secondary school classroom. Additionally, Lorraine is passionate about improving the wellbeing of individuals with disabilities and promoting inclusive communities. Lorraine’s teaching covers two areas of expertise; mathematics education, and inclusion and special education. Lorraine works in the initial teacher education area focusing on primary and secondary mathematics curriculum and pedagogy subjects as well as teaching for inclusion and diversity subjects. Additionally, Lorraine is working in the Masters of Inclusive Education with a particular interest in the identification, prevention and intervention of difficulties in mathematics. Lorraine’s Masters and PhD research focused on mathematics and numeracy for adults with Intellectual Disability. Her current research interests include mathematics for students who struggle, the wellbeing of students with disabilities in mainstream and special education settings and building and supporting inclusive communities. Lorraine’s current research projects: In collaboration with researchers from the University of Southern Queensland and the South Australian Department of Education, Lorraine is researching into an alternative delivery model for students learning difficulties. This project aims to identify aspects of an alternate service delivery model which impact academic and social-emotional outcomes of students with learning difficulties, in one independent Special Assistance School which emphasises explicit instruction in literacy and numeracy for students. The impact of teacher knowledge, beliefs, attitudes and experience on instruction within this model will also be examined as well as student beliefs and attitudes. In collaboration with researchers from USQ and Charles Sturt, this project aims to investigate School staff understanding of the effectiveness of wellbeing programs currently be implemented in their school. The project offers professional development for school staff to be able to critically evaluate current practices. As part of this project, Lorraine is working collaboratively with other members of the team to complete a systematic literature review of the research relating to wellbeing programs with a particular interest in programs specifically targeting special education teachers.Teaching and Research Staff
Dr Lorraine Gaunt
Current Subjects: