Heather Campbell

Teaching and Research Staff

Heather Campbell

Bachelor of Educational Research (Honours), Bachelor of Education (hons); Associate Diploma Social Science

Albury / Wodonga
Building 763 Room 112

I am passionate about understanding the continuum of education, having qualifications and experience in both early childhood and primary school settings, and present involvement in teaching about and for adolescents in the B.Ed (K-12 Middle School) degree. I have travelled extensively, studied and taught in Bali and Vanuatu, and believe that developing an understanding of culture, privilege and global citizenry is essential in developing excellent educators.

I am involved in ongoing research regarding the impact of Graduate Teaching Performance Assessment upon preservice teachers.

I completed my Bachelor of Educational Research (First Class Honours) degree in 2015. My topic was the experience of early career primary school teachers as they worked with implementing the new ACARA history curriculum.  I have contributed to research regarding Indigenous students' self-perception as potential tertiary students (2010); the re-conceptualisation of the first year of primary school in South Australia (2008); and Learning and Assessment at Charles Sturt University (2009). I have also researched the impact of international placement on regional tertiary students (conference paper, 2012).

I have written and/or implemented 22 subjects, across multiple aspects of education, including (amongst others) HSIE, literacy, sustainability, positive learning environments, inclusive education, and final year PEX subjects incorporating the Graduate Teacher Performance Assessment. I have taught across multiple courses, including Master of Education degrees. My teaching work has been recognised by the Vice Chancellor.

I am the Academic Lead, Sessional Support Staff, for the School of Education. This means I offer technical, administrative, pedagogical and wellbeing support to more than 160 sessional staff members of SoE. I have contributed to a university-wide working party investigating sessional staff working conditions by leading a subcommittee (2022), and another investigating workload allocations across all staff (2023). I am the co-chair of the SoE Learning and Teaching Working Group which discusses pedagogical, administrative, and ethical challenges for teaching staff and proposes reforms. I regularly present or facilitate sessions at CSU-EdX.