Janelle Hill

Teaching and Research Staff

Dr Janelle Hill

B.A. (Psychology), Deakin University B.Sc. (Hons) (Biology), Deakin University B.Ed. (F-12), Victoria University M. Ed. (Mathematics and Science Education), Monash University CELTA, Cambridge English Ph.D., Monash University

Lecturer in Mathematics Education
Albury / Wodonga
Building 763, Office 125

Dr. Janelle Hill is a Lecturer in Mathematics Education. Before moving into academia, Janelle was employed as a scientist, a social worker, and a primary science and secondary mathematics teacher. These experiences have enhanced the quality of her teaching and continue to provide her students with authentic life experiences that assist them in developing their own knowledge and confidence in education.

In her Ph.D. thesis, entitled ' A Case Study of the Introduction of iPads at an Australian K–12 School,' Janelle investigated the introduction of iPads in a Foundation to Year 12 school from the perspectives of the principal, teachers, and students. She also examined the impact of the introduction on teachers’ views and pedagogical strategies, and students’ views of educational uses of iPads in mathematics and English classes. In addition, she considered gender differences in students’ views and uses of iPads.

As a qualified and experienced primary and secondary educator in the areas of mathematics and science, Janelle’s teaching philosophy is based on providing a supportive, challenging, and engaging learning environment for all students. Janelle also has a strong social justice lens that informs her approach to learning, teaching, and research. Her ongoing study of languages, specifically German, Spanish, and French, provide further opportunities to engage with other learners from different cultural perspectives.

Dr Janelle Hill is an experienced researcher in the areas of gender, mathematics, and technology education.  As well as having a passion for teaching, Janelle is a life-long learner and continues to develop her knowledge of education through research into the use of technology in the teaching and learning of mathematics and literacy. She also has a particular interest in exploring students' gendered relationships with both subject areas.

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