Lincoln Gill

Teaching and Research Staff

Dr Lincoln Gill

B Ed (TAS) CSturt, Grad Cert Multi & Online Learn CSturt, MEd (IT) CSturt, PhD CSturt

Senior Lecturer
Wagga Wagga
Building 27 Room 216

Dr. Lincoln Gill is a Senior Lecturer in Technology and Applied Studies in the School of Education, and he is based on CSU’s Wagga Wagga campus. Prior to coming to CSU Lincoln worked in retail, sales, and construction, and is a qualified carpenter and builder. Lincoln completed his B Ed (TAS) (IT major) in 2001 and worked in the field of educational design and academic development for close to 10 years. This work included a focus on curriculum design, pedagogy, professional learning, and support and leadership for the use of educational technologies. Completion of a Graduate Certificate in Multimedia and Online Learning, and a Master of Education (IT) extended knowledge in these areas. His doctoral research investigated teacher education students’ use of ICTs for teaching and learning while on professional experience placements. The application of Cultural Historical Activity Theory (CHAT) as both a theory and approach for this investigation revealed new insights and understandings of influences on the students’ development and practices within the activity systems of university coursework and schools.

Teaching areas include:

  • Design and Technology project
  • Curriculum Studies: Technology
  • Timber and Metal Workshop: Pedagogy and Design

The use of ICTs for learning and teaching is of great interest to Lincoln. Following on from research undertaken during his Masters, and further work supported by CSU Scholarship in Teaching funding, his PhD research has investigated teacher education students’ use and non-use of ICTs for teaching and learning while on professional placement.

  • The Institute of Technology Education (iTE)