PhD (Education) – University of Newcastle BTeach(Humanities)(Hons 1) – University of Newcastle
Sarah Gurr is a Lecturer of Literacy and English Education in the School of Education. Her doctoral research examined tensions in environmental and sustainability education and the complexities of teaching the Sustainability Cross-Curriculum Priority of the Australian Curriculum in fossil fuel communities. Using a blend of philosophical inquiry, policy analysis and autoethnography, Sarah’s thesis developed an argument for how neoliberal education policies exacerbate the challenges of achieving environmental and social justice through education in fossil fuel communities. Her thesis developed pedagogical tools to support teachers in navigating these complexities and broader ethical issues when teaching Sustainability in their contexts.
Prior to her appointment at Charles Sturt University, Sarah worked as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Research Assistant and Sessional Academic at the University of Newcastle. During her time at UON, Sarah also worked as the Research Connections Support Officer and was responsible for liaising with Deputy Heads of School and university stakeholders to develop research training and support for HDR students in the School of Education.
Since 2023, Sarah has served as the Postgraduate and ECR Member Representative of the Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia. As part of her portfolio, Sarah leads the Postgraduate and ECR Group.
Sarah’s research interests stretch broadly across three areas:
Sarah has experience using a range of qualitative and philosophical research methods. Sarah is particularly interested in researching the ways people navigate complex contextual challenges to pursue more ethical and just ways of living, working and being.
Sarah has experience teaching a range of subjects in teacher education at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, including educational ethics, philosophy of education, sociology of education, placement preparation and research methods subjects.
Sarah is a qualified high school English and History teacher.