Susanne Francisco

Teaching and Research Staff

Dr Susanne Francisco

BA Grad. Dip Ed. Cert IV. TAE Adv. Dip Adult Voc Ed. Master of Arts, Master of Adult Education, PhD

Senior Lecturer

Susanne Francisco is a lecturer in Adult and Vocational Education as well as the Masters of Education. Prior to commencing with Charles Sturt University Susanne's background included: development of mentoring programs for a number of organisations; teaching in TAFE across a range of industries; educational leadership and management; professional development and policy development roles in the Commonwealth Public Service; teaching adult Year 12; and working with VET teachers as well as school principals to support their ongoing development throughout their teaching and leading career. Susanne has taught in universities, schools and Vocational Education and Training organisations, primarily as a teacher educator.

Susanne's research interests include: work based learning; mentoring; continuing professional learning; the learning of casual employees; quality teaching and learning in adult and vocational education; leadership in adult and vocational education; professional learning of teachers and of education leaders; and the professional learning of academics. Her PhD research looked at how novice vocational education and training teachers learn to become teachers.

Current research projects

2019-2022 Francisco, S. (Chief Investigator) Leading Learning: Building a Trellis of Practices to Support Learning of Novice VET Teachers.

2017-2022 Francisco, S. et al. (Co-participant with researchers from eight universities and five countries). Teacher Talk: Critical praxis in higher education and professional learning.

Susanne teaches at undergraduate and post-graduate levels in a number of areas related to adult and vocational education as well as education more broadly. Teaching areas include mentoring and workplace learning; learning theories for post-compulsory education; high level facilitation skills; being a professional in adult and vocational education; reflective practice and lifelong learning; and issues in professional learning.

  • Member of the Australian Vocational Education Research Association (AVETRA)
  • Member of Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE)
Reviewer for:
  • Studies in Continuing Education
  • International Journal of Training Research
  • Journal of Vocational Education and Training