Tanya Davies

Teaching and Research Staff

Dr Tanya Davies

BEd; PostGrad Diploma International Education and Curriculum Development; GCER (GradCert of Edu Research); PhD

Lecturer in Education
Albury / Wodonga

Tanya is an early career academic and recent PhD graduate. Tanya has worked in high schools in Victoria and Japan teaching English, Global Studies and Outdoor Education before moving into teacher education.

Tanya has recently worked on large research projects including: a DET funded project creating a toolkit targeted at Supporting Australian Schools Build Global Engagement and ARC Discovery project Teacher Capabilities in Conditions of Superdiversity.

Tanya’s research interests include education for social justice, intercultural education, and decolonising English education. Tanya is also interested in questions related to curriculum design and local curriculum praxis – particularly regarding the Australian Curriculum general capabilities and subject English. Tanya is a teacher educator in critical curriculum and pedagogy studies, education for diversity, and English education.

Tanya is in the preliminary phase of developing a project related to schooling, nation building, the Australian imaginary and the role of subject English in developing post-colonial identities.

Tanya is interested in exploring questions of the role of education towards nation building in contemporary multicultural Australia, how education and educators can meaningfully work towards reconciliation, and how curriculum development and design might be reimagined with a view for a sustainable and socially just future.

Memberships and affiliations include:

  • Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE)
  • Victorian Association for Teachers of English (VATE)
  • Victorian Association for Philosophy in Schools (VAPS)

Davies, T. (in press, 2022). Towards a praxis of difference: Reimagining intercultural understanding in Australian schools as a challenge of practice. Pedagogy, Culture and Society. 

Davies, T. (2021) “But we’re not a multicultural school”: Local spaces, cultural difference and the challenges of intercultural education at one Australian secondary school (Thesis). Monash University.

Macaulay, L., and Davies, T. (2019). It's about time: Chronotopes and the experience and negotiation of space-time throughout a PhD candidature. In, Pretorius, L., Macaulay, L., and Cahusac de Caux, B., Wellbeing in doctoral education – Insights and guidance from the student experience. Singapore: Springer.

Davies, T., Macaulay, L., and Pretorius, L. (2019). A call for doctoral training reform. In, Pretorius, L., Macaulay, L., and Cahusac de Caux, B., Wellbeing in doctoral education – Insights and guidance from the student experience. Singapore: Springer.

Davies, T. (2017) Religious Education and social literacy: the ‘white elephant’ of Australian public education. British Journal of Religious Education. Doi: 10.1080/01416200.2017.1324758