Stacey Jones

Workplace Learning Academics

Stacey Jones

B. Bus (Mgt), Dip Policing Prac, B. Teach (Sec Stud), MEd (Ed Research)

Senior Workplace Learning Coordinator / Lecturer

Stacey Jones is a Workplace Learning Coordinator and Lecturer in the Faculty of Arts and Education. Commencing at Charles Sturt University in 2017, she specialises in professional experience placement and teacher mentoring. She also has extensive experience teaching in secondary schools, both public and independent. In schools, Stacey has performed the role of professional experience coordinator, with a focus on early career teacher mentoring and accreditation.

Stacey’s current research focuses on school-university partnerships developed through authentic communities of practice as an effective strategy to enhance teacher quality. She is fervently committed to best preparing university students for highly successful and impactful teaching careers, recognising the crucial role of high-quality teacher education courses in their development.

Jones, S. E. (2017-2021). NSW Department of Education School University Partnership HUB Project ($750,000). Project Manager of school site research.

Research Assistant (2018-2021). NSW Department of Education School University Partnership HUB Project.  Associate Professor Deb Clarke, School of Teacher Education, CSU Bathurst. Duties: Data collection, data analysis, literature review.

2022 Charles Sturt University Postgraduate University Medal (GPA 6.75/7.00)

2021 NSW Minister’s Award for Excellence in Teaching