Nicholas Ruddell

Teaching and Research Staff

Dr Nick Ruddell

Bachelor Education (Prim) (First Class Honours), PhD CSU

Senior Lecturer in Indigenous Australian Studies
Building 1430, Heffron House, Office 1:03


Nick was born in Aotearoa New Zealand and moved to Australia in the late 1980s. He retains his connection to my Whakapapa (heritage) through his association with his tino-iwi-the Ngapuhi and iwi tuturu the Ngatiwai. Nick is a Lecturer in Indigenous Education. His research specialises in advancing knowledge in the areas of critical Indigenous studies, placed-based, intercultural STEM education, Indigenous technologies and decolonised research methodologies and approaches. This has provided Nick with the necessary expertise to successfully oversee and convene the dialogic processes across knowledge systems, education programs, mitigation and policy frameworks, the management of IP and cultural content.

Nicks positioning as a culturally competent professional is underpinned by reflective and reflexive practice underpinned by Wiradyuri methodology, Yindyamarra Winhanganha and Kaupapa Maori methodology.

Nick has accumulated professional experiences in Aotearoa, Australia and the United States of America. His involvement with CSU’s School of Indigenous Australian Studies began in 2015. Nick, is passionate about delivering research, teaching, and learning opportunities that are accessible, relevant and positive.