Ockert Meyer

Teaching Staff

Revd Dr Ockert Meyer

BA; BTh; ThL; MTh; DTh

Lecturer in Theology and Preaching
North Parramatta
United Theological College

Rev Dr Ockert Meyer was born and grew up in South Africa. He studied theology at the University of Stellenbosch and did post-graduate studies in South Africa and the Netherlands.

The title of his doctoral thesis was Between Silence and Ecstasy: The spirituality of KH Miskotte in the Context of Mysticism and Charismatic spirituality. Ockert has served as a minister for the Dutch Reformed Church in Cape Town, and at various Uniting churches in Sydney and Canberra.

Ockert's research interests include:

  • theological dynamics of preaching
  • reformed theology
  • hermeneutics; especially Jewish theology as hermeneutical lens
  • art and theology

Ockert has been the founding editor of a preaching aid lectionary series (with Ian Nell), published a number of books and papers, and supervised numerous doctoral students, recently on such topics as the Pentecostal imagination and retrieval of history, Rolf De Heer and Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

  • THL115/THL490 Christian Worship
  • THL120/THL491 Practical Theology
  • THL316/THL468 Triune God
  • THL314/THL499 Sacramental Theology
  • THL320/THL469 Homiletics
  • THL514 Theological Hermeneutics
  • THL518 Studies in Liturgy and Worship
  • THL519 Issues in Practical Theology