
This group has concluded its research and projects. This content remains available for reference purposes.

The Educational Transitions: Continuity and Change Research Team (ETC2) includes a range of experienced, early career and doctoral scholars, along with key research assistants, all of whom have complementary and collaborative research agendas focused on educational transitions.

Image of ETC2 Research Team posterThe group brings together a wide range of expertise and experience across research paradigms and approaches as well as across varied and diverse contexts. Through a wide range of national and international projects and publications, members of the group bring multiple, critical perspectives to research processes and outcomes.

The many and varied projects undertaken by members of the group have contributed significantly to the strong reputation of the School of Education as a centre for research excellence in the field of educational transitions.

ETC2 is a genuine team where the contribution of all members is valued, recognised and respected. The success of the team is attributable to the collaboration of all members who work together in a highly effective and productive manner.

The collaborative focus extends to being an active member of a network of international universities, Pedagogies of Educational Transitions (POET), with researchers from Sweden, Scotland, Iceland and New Zealand.