Research team

This group has concluded its research and projects. This content remains available for reference purposes.

Professor Sue Dockett

Sue DockettSue Dockett is Professor in Early Childhood Education. Much of her research agenda is focused on educational transitions, particularly transitions to school and the expectations, experiences and perceptions of all involved. Her research also encompasses children's play and participatory rights-based
research with children. Sue and Bob have worked and continue to work collaboratively with many Australian and international educational transitions researchers in the development of theoretical frameworks, position statements and guidance for educators and parents.

Professor Bob Perry

Bob PerryBob Perry is Professor of Education, School of Education. He has worked in tertiary education since 1972. Bob's substantive research areas include educational transitions; early childhood mathematics education; researching with young children, the education of Indigenous children and community capacity building. With Sue Dockett, his research in educational transitions is recognised nationally and internationally and has been the basis for many systemic programs concerning transition to school.

Paige Lee

Paige Quinnell Paige is a full time research assistant for Professors Bob Perry and Sue Dockett in the ETC2 Research Team, and has been working in the team since 2012. In her role, she has worked on a variety of  projects in areas which include transition to school and early years mathematics. Paige is a primary and high school qualified educator, with a Bachelor of Education K-12 Middle Schooling and a Graduate Certificate in Secondary Education, both from Charles Sturt University. She is currently studying a Graduate Certificate in Educational Research.

Jessamy Davies

Jessamy DaviesJess completed her Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood) (Honours) at Charles Sturt University. She has been working as a research assistant for Professors Bob Perry and Sue Dockett on a variety of research projects around early years education. Jess's doctoral work is being undertaken as part of an ARC Discovery project that explores policy-practice trajectories at the time of transition to school.  The project examines the policy intentions and impact of the Early Years Learning Framework and the Australian Curriculum on transition to school at national, state and local levels. Jess will focus on the ways in which the policy frameworks have influenced practice and policy in rural contexts.

Dr Kathryn Hopps

Kathryn HoppsKathryn Hopps is an Adjunct Research Fellow in the School of Education. Kathryn originally trained as an early childhood and primary teacher and has worked in a diverse range of education settings. Kathryn graduated with her doctorate in 2014, with a study focused on communication between preschool and school educators at the time of children's transitions to school. Kathryn has provided research assistance in several early childhood and information studies research projects including the Integrating preschool with the first year of school evaluation. She has worked on research teams which have produced outcomes such as Continuity of Learning: A resource to support effective transition to school and school aged care and the KidsMatter Early Childhood Rapid Review. Kathryn completed a research fellowship on the Continuity and change in curriculum and pedagogies as children start school project.  She continues to publish from her doctoral thesis and works for Early Childhood Australia.

Natasha Hard

Natasha HardNatasha is a casual research assistant for Professors Sue Dockett and Bob Perry working on the Pedagogies of Educational Transition (POET) research project. Natasha has worked on a number of funded research and teaching grant projects both as a project manager and a research assistant. Her previous work has focused on technology in education at both Charles Sturt University and the University of Southern Queensland. She has completed a Masters in Education through QUT and holds a Postgraduate Diploma in Education for Sustainable Development and Undergraduate degrees in Arts and Business Management.

Amber Marcus

Amber MarcusAmber is a casual research assistant for Professors Bob Perry and Sue Dockett currently working on a project about children noticing their own and others' mathematics. During this project, Amber will be focusing on what children know and understand about both their own and others mathematics. Amber holds a Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood) and a Master of Education both from Charles Sturt University. She also works as a classroom teacher in a middle primary class and a casual lecturer at Charles Sturt University.