Charles Sturt University
Charles Sturt University

Information for Professional Placement Students

Students enrolled in the  Bachelor of Information Studies, Master of Information Studies and the Master of Education (Teacher Librarianship) are all required to undertaker one, ten day professional placement during their course.

Students arrange to do their placement in an information organisation of their choosing however that organisation must meet our requirements. Further, before students can approach any potential hosts they must:

  • Be currently enrolled in a professional placement subject (INF222, INF572 or ETL512)
  • Wait until their first session of enrolment commences as there are specific processes (and pre-placement assessment work) that must be completed.

You can find detailed information about professional placements.

Please note that while you do not have to be enrolled in the subject to view this information you do need to use a Charles Sturt login username and password to access it.