Charles Sturt University
Charles Sturt University

METL Placement Report

ETL507 - Professional Experience/Professional Portfolio

Assessment: Placement report

Due date: Within one month of completion of placement.

Length: 2500 words (+ or - 10%)


To connect the placement experience with knowledge, theory and skills in a reflective and disciplined manner.

Placement report: Complete parts A, B, C and D and submit within one month of completion of the placement.

Use the writing up of the placement report as a time to reflect upon what you have observed and experienced. It is expected that you will be analytical about your experiences providing evidence of professional interaction across a range of areas, drawing conclusions and reasoning implication and consequences.

Part A

Overview the library or information agency where you undertook your placement. Discuss FOUR of the following: the role of the library, users, services, collections, access provided to collections, use of technology, staffing and management. (approx. 1000 words)

Part B

How effectively do you feel the library meets the needs of its users? Support your conclusions with examples. (approx. 500 words)

Part C

Discuss the activities you were involved in while on placement and reflect upon what you have learnt and gained from these experiences. (approx. 500 words)

Part D

Reflect on the value of the placement experience in your development as a teacher librarian and a member of the wider library and information profession. (approx. 500 words)

Placement reporting guidelines

The completed placement report is part of the assessment strategy in this subject. Use the writing up of the placement report as a time to reflect upon what you have observed and experienced. It is expected that you will be analytical about your experiences providing evidence of professional interaction across a range of areas, drawing conclusions and reasoning implication and consequences.

Marking criteria

The extent to which the placement report provides evidence of:

  • Critical awareness
    • reveals evidence of reflection on thoughts, values and understandings flowing from the professional placement and academic coursework.
  • Critical thought and analysis
    • demonstrates ability to move beyond description of events to identify, analyse and critically assess the issues within them
    • self analysis in terms of skills, knowledge and understandings gained.
  • Clarity, presentation and referencing
    • effective and focused use of reporting outline
    • clear, well organised and fluent presentation.

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