Current and Graduated Students

Preferred Full NameStatusThesis Title
Marion RandallCurrentWhat are the lived experiences of adult sentenced prisoners in Australia when attempting to satisfy their legal information needs?
Ceinwen JonesCurrentSchool library cataloguing (provisional)
Nicola PittCurrentThe role of social media in how elected local government officials communicate
Anthea CuddihyCurrentAlumni relations managers’ operationalisation of university strategic directions (provisional)
Krystal Gagen-SpriggsCurrentFactors affecting the teacher librarian's influence on reading cultures in schools.
Kate RoweCurrentDigital life in a small town – the contribution of Australian public libraries to digital literacy in small town communities
Katie SalernoCurrentLiteracy and Numeracy, Allies not Enemies: An investigation of how Teacher Librarians support reading and mathematical skills in NSW secondary schools
Abbey MeiselbachCurrentWhat are the differences in the experiences of Norwegian and Australian prisoners studying higher education?
Dianne RufflesCurrentTransformative Learning: The experience for young adult learners of Guided Inquiry (GI) and their perceptions of its influence in their critical and creative thinking
Md Shofiqul IslamCurrentInformation journeys of culturally and linguistically diverse older adults accessing home care services
Victoria ErskineCurrentPractitioner perspectives of continuous communication roles in a Collective Impact Model: A mixed methods study.
Adrianne HarrisCurrentArchival practices in the Australian Pagan community (provisional)
DR Monique Therese ShephardGraduatedExpanding Mental Health Awareness in Adolescents Using Contemporary Young Adult Literature in the English Classroom
Mary CoeGraduatedHow readers make sense of active e-book indexes
Dr Rebecca MuirGraduated'But what to the change?': An exploratory mixed methods study on developing public libraries as inclusive information and social services for people with hidden disabilities
Dr Kane CallaghanGraduatedA model for using social media to inform policy and communication: cases of shark management in New South Wales, Australia
Dr Arif KhanGraduatedAn Exploratory Prioritisation of Key Elements in Library and Information Science Practicum Supervision: a grounded theory approach
Dr Dilini Ilaya Kuttige DonGraduatedCommencing undergraduate students' prior understanding of academic libraries in Sri Lanka: A grounded theory approach
Dr Rebecca CassonGraduatedCelebrity politics in Australian local government: the case of Geelong’s directly elected mayor model experiment.
Dr Romany ManuellGraduatedThe Education and Training Role of Australian Academic Librarians