Marion Randall | Current | What are the lived experiences of adult sentenced prisoners in Australia when attempting to satisfy their legal information needs? |
Ceinwen Jones | Current | School library cataloguing (provisional) |
Nicola Pitt | Current | The role of social media in how elected local government officials communicate |
Anthea Cuddihy | Current | Alumni relations managers’ operationalisation of university strategic directions (provisional) |
Krystal Gagen-Spriggs | Current | Factors affecting the teacher librarian's influence on reading cultures in schools. |
Kate Rowe | Current | Digital life in a small town – the contribution of Australian public libraries to digital literacy in small town communities |
Katie Salerno | Current | Literacy and Numeracy, Allies not Enemies: An investigation of how Teacher Librarians support reading and mathematical skills in NSW secondary schools |
Abbey Meiselbach | Current | What are the differences in the experiences of Norwegian and Australian prisoners studying higher education? |
Dianne Ruffles | Current | Transformative Learning: The experience for young adult learners of Guided Inquiry (GI) and their perceptions of its influence in their critical and creative thinking |
Md Shofiqul Islam | Current | Information journeys of culturally and linguistically diverse older adults accessing home care services |
Victoria Erskine | Current | Practitioner perspectives of continuous communication roles in a Collective Impact Model: A mixed methods study. |
Adrianne Harris | Current | Archival practices in the Australian Pagan community (provisional) |
DR Monique Therese Shephard | Graduated | Expanding Mental Health Awareness in Adolescents Using Contemporary Young Adult Literature in the English Classroom |
Mary Coe | Graduated | How readers make sense of active e-book indexes |
Dr Rebecca Muir | Graduated | 'But what to the change?': An exploratory mixed methods study on developing public libraries as inclusive information and social services for people with hidden disabilities |
Dr Kane Callaghan | Graduated | A model for using social media to inform policy and communication: cases of shark management in New South Wales, Australia |
Dr Arif Khan | Graduated | An Exploratory Prioritisation of Key Elements in Library and Information Science Practicum Supervision: a grounded theory approach |
Dr Dilini Ilaya Kuttige Don | Graduated | Commencing undergraduate students' prior understanding of academic libraries in Sri Lanka: A grounded theory approach |
Dr Rebecca Casson | Graduated | Celebrity politics in Australian local government: the case of Geelong’s directly elected mayor model experiment. |
Dr Romany Manuell | Graduated | The Education and Training Role of Australian Academic Librarians |