Communication Research

Communication Research Overview

The School of Information and Communication Studies engages in a range of research activities in the field of communication. Its academics are active members of research centres and groups, both locally and internationally. Outlined below are the areas of expertise and focus for these research initiatives:

Multimodal and transmedia storytelling

Exploring the impact of new technologies on communication practice and education as well as the connections and interactions between live performance, media arts and digital cultures.

Key person: Dr David Cameron

Digital relationships, wellbeing and sustainability of communication practice

Investigating how we build relationships online and connections between wellbeing and sustainable practice.  Research areas include: Digital relationships and connections, wellbeing, resilience, sustainability of communication practice, ethnography and case study.

Key person: Dr Sharon Schoenmaker

Science communication

Exploring how public and scientific organisations such as space agencies and museums can more effectively engage with the public through digital and social media, physical exhibition spaces, and the role of traditional media such as television. Research includes career development in the space sector, communicating about palaeontology through podcasts, and the relationship between media, science, and exploration.

Key person: Dr Travis Holland

Social media environments and organisational crisis

Exploring the challenges of paracrisis and the way social media can be used as both a tool and a weapon, with consequent challenges for organisations in managing reputations and supporting key messaging (such as pro-immunisation messaging) in online environments.

Key person: Dr Roslyn Cox