National Radio News (NRN)

NRN logoNational Radio News (NRN) is the national news service for the community radio sector, located on the Bathurst campus of Charles Sturt University. Overseen by News Director Frank Bonaccorso, journalists, student journalists, and cadets drawn from the Bachelor of Communication work together to deliver news bulletins broadcast to over 2 million listeners a week across Australia.

NRN is produced in partnership with the Community Broadcasting Association of Australia. Built on the community broadcasting sector's principles of democracy, independence and access, NRN has no commercial ties or political agenda, and covers stories often overlooked by commercial services.

The valuable training and hands-on experience offered to students equips them with the skills to take a news bulletin from conception to delivery. They learn how to find the stories that matter to modern Australian audiences, source talent, produce and edit interviews, write copy, and present on-air.

NRN graduates are highly sought after in newsrooms across the country.