George Yi

Teaching and Research Staff

Dr George Yi


Lecturer in Information Studies
Wagga Wagga
Building 5, Room 303

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Dr. Zhixian (George) Yi is a lecturer in the School of Information Studies (SIS) at Charles Sturt University (CSU), Australia. He mainly teaches the management and marketing subjects and conducts related research projects. In the United States, he received a doctorate in information and library sciences and a PhD minor in educational leadership from Texas Woman's University, and he was awarded his master's degree in information science from Southern Connecticut State University. In 2009, he was awarded the Eugene Garfield Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship from Beta Phi Mu, the International Library and Information Studies Honour Society. He was selected for inclusion into Who's Who in America in 2010.

Dr. Yi has a significant publication record with the articles published in 12 journals including the top-ranking journals: The Journal of Academic Librarianship; Library Management; Library and Information Research; Information Research: An International Electronic Journal; and Information & Culture: A Journal of History. He has made numerous presentations at the school, national and international levels. He has submitted both internal and external grant applications to the grant committees for review at the school, faculty and national levels and obtained internal grants including the SIS Research Fellowship (2011-2012), Faculty of Education Small Grant in 2013 and the Faculty of Arts and Education Grant Development Fund in 2016. In 2016, he got the CSU Special Studies Program award and achieved significant research outcomes. He won the Chinese American Librarians Association's Jing Liao Award for the Best Research in All Media for 2014, and his research paper was selected by the journal's (Library Management) editorial team as a Highly Commended paper in the 2017 Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence. The information on his research activities is at

Since 2011, he has been involved in the teaching of 11 subjects. He had taught the professional placement and study visit subjects for two years, which require that all students must be enrolled in these subjects for 2 consecutive semesters to be eligible to receive their grades. He mainly teaches the management and marketing subjects such as management of information agencies, strategic management, supervision and management, human resource management in information agencies, project management in information agencies and marketing of libraries and information agencies.

At the School level, he served on the School Learning & Teaching Committee and the School Professional Experience Committee for two years and has been serving on the School Research Management Committee for over four years, co-coordinating the SIS Research Seminar series with Kim Thompson for three of those years. He currently serves on the Sheila Lai Research committee of Chinese American Librarians Association. He is a section editor of Open Information Science journal and an editor of the Journal of Aussie-Sino Studies and he has completed peer reviews of papers for top ranking journals including The Journal of Academic Librarianship and Information & Culture: A Journal of History, and other journals including Australian Academic & Research Libraries, International Journal of Library and Information Science, Library Tribune, International Journal of Economics and Management Sciences and an international conference paper.