Hamid Jamali

Teaching and Research Staff

Associate Professor Hamid R. Jamali

BSc, MLIS, PhD (University College London, UK)

Associate Professor in Information Studies
Wagga Wagga
Building 5, Room 117

I am an Associate Professor in Information Studies in the School of Information and Communication Studies. I received my PhD in Information Science from University College London (UCL). I have a BSc in Medical LIS and an MA in LIS. Previously I was an Associate professor at Kharazmi University (Iran) and a senior consultant of CIBER Research Ltd (UK). I have published widely on topics related to information behaviour and scholarly communication in different journals including JASIST, Scientmetrics, JIS, JDoc, IP&M and several other journals.


My research interests focus broadly on two areas of scholarly communication, and libraries. Scholarly communication is about how scholars in different fields use and disseminate information through formal and informal channels, the growth of scholarly information, and the information needs and use of individual user groups. It also covers the evaluation of research and bibliometrics which simply means applying quantitative methods to procedures, artefacts and concepts in scholarly communication, mainly formal communication. I am interested in studying variables and factors that can contribute to the impact of research activities. In the past I have done research, using different qualitative, quantitative and mixed-methods designs, on open access, repositories, publishing and depositing behaviour of scholars, collaboration, article writing, use of social media in research, reputation building and impact of interdisciplinary research.

I also have interest in research on libraries and their users. Information use and behaviour of users, the impact of COVID on public libraries and implication for their services are among topics of my past or current projects. Some of the recent projects I have been involved in are listed below.


  • Study of Australian academic journals, no funding
  • Harbingers-2: Early career researchers and  the pandemic, funded by Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
  • Understanding the needs of public library users in a COVID-changed Australia, funded by the State Library of NSW
  • Analysis of the Open Access policies of Australian universities, no funding
  • Australian public libraries during the COVID-19 crisis: Implications for future policy and practice, Funded by CSU
  • Bibliometric study of the field of applied linguistics, no funding
  • Bibliometric study of the fields of advertising, and public relations, funded by University of South Carolina.

My current teaching is mainly focused on subjects related to metadata and information organisation. However, my teaching portfolio so far includes undergraduate and postgraduate subjects such as research methods, information architecture, information retrieval, XML, describing information resources, information behaviour, and data analytics.

  • Principal supervisor, Dilini Bodhinayaka, impact of academic libraries on students.  Current at CSU.
  • Co-supervisor: Hossein Beydokhti, Relationship between the level of evidence in therapeutic articles and citation impact, completed in 2019 at Kharazmi University of Tehran.

  • Principal supervisor: Masoome Niknia, Implementation of CIDOC CRM for Iranian Archaeology, Completed in 2019 at Kharazmi University of Tehran.
  • Principal supervisor: Zhaleh Salimifar, Relation of Hofstead’s cultural dimensions with trust in information resources as an influencing factor in information seeking behaviour, completed in 2018 at Kharazmi University of Tehran.
  • Principal supervisor: Delneshin Danaei-Moghaddam, Children's interaction with augmented reality story books, completed in 2018 at Kharazmi University of Tehran.
  • Principal supervisor: Sara Behimehr, Cognitive biases in scientific information behaviour of graduate students, completed in 2018 at Kharazmi University of Tehran.
  • Principal supervisor: Mahmood Sangari, Digital library users` collaborative information seeking (CIS) and its relationship with users` learning style and information systems experience, completed in 2018 at Kharazmi University of Tehran.
  • Principal supervisor: Majid Nabavi, Adding value to Iranian national current research information system (SEMAT) using customisation of its data model, completed in 2016 at Iranian Research Institute for Information Science and Technology (IRANDOC).

I am an active member of Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) and an Associate Member of the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA). I am also a member of the editorial board of the following journals:

  • Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics
  • International Journal of Information Science and Management
  • Journal of Data and Information Science
  • Journal of Information Science
  • Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice
  • Journal of Informetrics
  • Scientometrics