Jock Cheetham

Teaching and Research Staff

Jock Cheetham

BA, MA in Journalism, MA (Research)

Senior Lecturer in Journalism
Building 1400, Room 215

Jock Cheetham has been a journalist since 1991. His writing has been published in The Sydney Morning Herald, The Australian, The Times Higher Education Supplement (UK) and The Independent (UK), among many others, and his video and radio work has been broadcast on the ABC.

Jock spent 13 years at Fairfax Media, working for six years at the Herald before becoming manager of editorial training for metropolitan titles in NSW in 2008, a position he held until 2015. In 2016, he taught news writing at the University of Sydney before moving to CSU in Bathurst to lecture in journalism in 2017.

In 2009, he was a Walkley Award finalist for a feature series about a murder in inner Sydney.

His interests and skills include producing and teaching:

  • News writing
  • Copy editing
  • Feature writing
  • Video and documentary production
  • Social media
  • Online journalism trends and strategy

Since 2005, he has worked a volunteer on development in East Timor, helping fundraise and distribute $150,000 to support independent journalism and media.

Jock has taught video production, online journalism, longform/feature writing, major project and internship subjects at CSU. At other universities he has taught news writing.

In industry, Jock has taught social media, feature writing, content management systems, and he managed 12-month traineeship programs for Fairfax Media recruits.

Jock completed his research master’s degree on religious persecution in Indonesia at the end of 2016. He is currently following up his thesis, “The Role of Morality in Religious Persecution in Indonesia during Yudhoyono's Presidency (2004-2014)”, for further publishing.

His research interests include the role of morality in news values, the subject of his conference paper at the ANZCA conference in 2017.