Roslyn Cox

Teaching and Research Staff

Dr Roslyn Cox

B. Comm (Public Relations), B. Comm (Hons), Doctor of Communication

Lecturer in Communication
Building 1400, Room 216

Roslyn has worked in communication for more than 25 years in a range of industries and roles including media relations, public health, health promotion, crisis management, university marketing, corporate communication, event management, client service, corporate business development, and not-for-profit services.

Since joining CSU in 2011, Roslyn has taught public relations strategy and tactics, organisational communication management, issues and crisis management, events management, internship placement and introductory communication subjects at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

Roslyn has a great passion for communication and believes that skills and abilities in this field can be a person’s passport to a wonderfully rewarding career and limitless opportunities.

“The ability to communicate, to write well, to craft messages, to understand and connect with audiences, to really listen, to research and harness technology and the incredible interconnectedness of our modern world, means that communication skills have enormous importance and value,” she says.

Roslyn has recently completed her doctorate and her research focused on the concept of paracrisis, the susceptibility of social-media triggered crisis events for organisations. Her thesis explored the immunisation paracrisis, and the way pro-immunisation messages are supported in social media environments.

Roslyn finds the teaching element of academic life really rewarding and greatly enjoys the opportunity to share her knowledge about communication with others. She believes in interactive and experiential teaching.

“In my experience, it can be incredibly powerful to build and deliver subjects for students in a way that unites the important theoretical foundations of communication with practical, real-world experiences and understandings. I know that CSU communication graduates leave our university as accomplished and highly capable people and I am very proud to play a role in their journey,” she says.

Roslyn has a research interest in online and social media communication platforms; how they operate, the crisis events they trigger, as well as the impact of disinformation and misinformation in online environments. Roslyn is particularly interested in how pro-immunisation communication can be better approached and how it can counteract anti-vaccination rhetoric online.

Roslyn’s doctoral thesis investigated the way social media communication can foster or easily trigger crisis events, a phenomena known as paracrisis (Coombs and Holladay, 2012). Her thesis builds on the work of these scholars; offering a model of paracrisis, and further exploring the concept through the case study of the immunisation paracrisis.