
2MCE is Charles Sturt University's community radio station, broadcasting a diverse range of programs across Wiradjuri Country to Bathurst, Orange and the Central West of NSW on 92.3 and 94.7 FM, and via 2mce.org.

The 2MCE team in the studio

For more than 45 years, 2MCE has been part of Charles Sturt University and its predecessor institutions on the Bathurst campus. 2MCE serves the social, cultural and educational interests of both the community and the University through the provision of facilities, training and programs.

2MCE is committed to the principles of access, diversity and independence in its operation and the pursuit of excellence in broadcasting. It communicates the views, needs, interests and aspirations of the communities it serves through its operation as a community radio broadcaster.

2MCE aims to:

  • provide access to training, production facilities and airtime for individuals and community groups within its service area and to students and staff of the University
  • encourage innovation and diversity in the form and content of its programming
  • provide a forum for the expression of views that enhance the diversity of choice available through local media
  • provide a balance of community, student and educational programming while ensuring minimum duplication of program content with that provided by other broadcast media in its service area
  • connect local communities with the University and promote University initiatives
  • provide production, presentation and transmission facilities equal to contemporary industry standards
  • achieve recognition as a centre of excellence in training and the provision of practical experience for those who wish to enter the broadcast industry
  • maximise its financial self-sufficiency as a non-profit community enterprise
  • ensure that ethical practices and procedures are followed in all aspects of the operation of 2MCE
  • abide by the Community Broadcasting Codes of Practice, the Broadcasting Services Act 1992 and other relevant legislation.

2MCE is an important learning and teaching resource for the Bachelor of Communication in the School of Information and Communication Studies.

We are proudly supported by the Community Broadcasting Foundation and the Community Broadcasting Association of Australia.

Proudly supported by

Logo of Community Broadcasting Association of Australia CBAA

Logo of Charles Sturt University

Community Broadcasting Foundation logo