Program proposal

Do you have an idea for a new program? Fill out the form below.

Before submitting this form

Before suggesting a new program you need to have:

Your proposal will be reviewed by the Programming Sub-Committee, a sub-committee of the 2MCE Board. Approvals will be for an initial 3 month probationary period.

The submission of this program proposal does not guarantee program time will be allocated, and programming may be subject to change.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Your details (Presenter/Producer)
Please include contacts name and email  address
About your proposed program
How long does your program run for?
List three of your preferred days/times for broadcast. Please check the current program guide.
Will the program be live or pre-recorded? *
Includes genre, format, and contents
Serving our audience
Material is of local significance if it is hosted and produced in the licence area and relates to the licence area.
Inclusive programming examples include (gender, First Nations, non-English speaking background, disability access, etc.)
Will you bring your own resources (e.g. music) to produce this program?
Demos and supporting documents
Please provide a compressed audio file example (MP3 or WMA only) under 15MB
Include a full length demo of your program
Example: Run sheet. Please provide as a single PDF. 3MB upload limit.
Programmers agreement
Before submitting your proposal *