
At 2MCE, community is at the heart of everything we do.

Sponsoring community radio is an effective and affordable way for your local business, service, or organisation to show listeners that you are as community minded as they are through on air sponsorship messages.

According to the Community Radio Listener Survey – Orange/Bathurst 2023 Survey #2, community radio reaches up to 22,000 listeners a week in our region.

We invite your business, organisation or service to become a Community Minded Partner of 2MCE.

Our Community Minded Sponsorship package includes:

  • 2x 30 second spots daily (including initial script writing and production, if required)
  • Inclusion in 2MCE’s Community Listing.
    This on-air message includes your community-minded business/organisation/service in a regular spot with other community-minded organisations.
  • Your business logo and link on the 2MCE website, 2mce.org.
  • An introductory post on our social media channels welcoming your community-minded partnership with 2MCE.
  • A listing in each fortnightly 2MCE member email bulletin with an initial introductory profile presenting your business as a community minded supporter of the station.

This package is available on a 12-month contract. For more information and pricing, contact the station on 6338 4790 or email 2mce@csu.edu.au

Short term sponsorship campaigns

If you have an event or opportunity you’d like to promote over a shorter term, contact us for current sponsorship rates.

All sponsorship at 2MCE is subject to the sponsorship guidelines in the Community Broadcasting (2MCE) Policy.