Carol Mroue

Proposed title

Psychological Trauma of domestic violence and an Islamic perspective on healing:  A case study of Australian Muslim women.


Principal Supervisor: Dr Mahsheed  Ansari
Co-Supervisor: Associate Professor Zuleyha  Keskin
Co-Supervisor: Dr Nada  Ibrahim


Domestic violence globally, in Australia and within the Australian Muslim community is a major concern, but what has been found to be lacking is the healing process of Australian Muslim women following trauma from domestic violence. There is currently no research on healing from the psychological trauma of domestic violence within the Australian context focused on Australian Muslim women. This study will be of significance to the Muslim community in understanding the importance of healing from trauma and providing a faith-based approach to healing trauma. This study will provide an Islamic perspective approach to healing and build on existing knowledge of Islamic psychotherapy and Islamic psychology to provide theoretical, methodological, and psychological insights to the Muslim community. This research also aims to merge concepts of Islamic psychotherapy and post traumatic growth to highlight that there can be growth from trauma. This study will give insight and understanding of the Islamic perspective of healing to organizations who offer psychotherapy and other forms of counselling to Australian Muslim women dealing with trauma resulting from domestic violence.

Why I chose Charles Sturt

I completed a Masters of Islamic Studies with Charles Sturt and received amazing support from the faculty. Pursuing a PhD with Charles Sturt was something I did not think twice about. I know that I will receive academic support, flexibility, feedback, and the skills necessary to pursue my interests in Islamic studies with my focus on Islamic psychology.

Engagement and memberships

  • Australian Association of Islamic and Muslim Studies Inc- Member
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