For Current Candidates

Current Candidate Information

Much of the information you need throughout your candidature, can be found on the Research Office Hub and you are encouraged to visit that site often to keep up to date.

The rest of the information on this page relates to Faculty of Arts and Education specific processes.

Confirmation of Candidature

Higher Degree by Research (HDR) candidates are provisionally enrolled and will have their candidature confirmed at the successful completion of their probation requirements. A major part of these requirements is the confirmation seminar and submission of a written research proposal. This usually occurs:

  • for full-time PhD candidates, within 12 months of enrollment;
  • for part-time PhD candidates, within 2 years of enrollment;
  • for Professional Doctoral candidates as part of the research proposal subject;
  • for full-time Masters candidates, within 6 - 9 months of enrollment; and
  • for part-time Masters candidates, within 12 - 18 months of enrollment.

For information about this process please read through the Faculty of Arts and Education Confirmation of Candidature Procedure document.

Research Operating Funds

Information on resource operating funds (also called resource allowance) for Commonwealth supported candidates or candidates on a University/Faculty full-time scholarship can be found on the Operating Funds – Guidelines page.

Candidates on a University supported 'fee-waiver' scholarship receive an amount per year paid to an account held in their school.

The process for accessing the funding can be found on the Operating Funds – Guidelines page. Please note the different process for accessing funding for travel-related expenses. It is critical that a Charles Sturt University travel plan is approved prior to your travel.

Faculty of Arts and Education
Charles Sturt University
Panorama Avenue


02 6338 4285

International phone:

+61 2 6338 4285

Email the Faculty Office