The work done by doctoral candidates in the Faculty of Arts and Education is diverse, spanning the research areas of the schools that make up the Faculty.
If you are a Faculty of Arts and Education candidate without a profile page and would like one, please complete the candidate form and log a job in Cherwell to have your profile created.
Candidate | Research Topic/Title |
Omar Gomaa Ahmed Mohamed | Evolution of Political Islam: The Case of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt |
Ikramullah Ahmed | The Global Issue of Moonsighting; Sighting vs Calculation, A critical Evaluation |
Rinto Azhar | TBC |
Emre Celik | Public and Expert Perspectives of Fethullah Gulen and the Hizmet Movement in America. |
Mirela Cufurovic | Social Emotion, Identity Integration, and the Making of a Distinct Australian Muslim Identity |
Janelle Di Falco | How does trauma affect marital dissatisfaction in Muslim enmeshed marriages? |
David Drennan | Beyond Flexibility in Fatwas: Engaging Power, Progress, and Modernity in Islamic Thought |
Mostafa El-Gashingi | TBC |
Nadia El-Mouelhy | Halal Certification in Australia: History, Muslim Consumer Perception and Reliance |
Sarkhan Gasimov | The influence of al-Ghazali’s works on Abraham bin Maimonides regarding God, universe and human soul through his mysticism |
Nasreen Hanifi | TBC |
Ismail Haskara | How socio-political suffering of Muslims affect their Psyche: A neuroscientific approach. |
Leila Khaled | How effective is ISRE (Muslim scripture) in making better Muslims and better citizens? |
Carol Mroue | Psychological Trauma of domestic violence and an Islamic perspective on healing: A case study of Australian Muslim women. |
Candidate | Research Topic/Title |
Sarah Bartlett | Caregiver Implemented Intervention to Support Children’s Communication: Considering/Sharing / Unpacking the Hanen Programs® with Underserved Communities |
Alexandra Blitz-Raith | The Development of a Multimodal and Semiotic Analytical Framework for Educational Apps |
Melinda Brooker | An explorative study of followership, followers and following practices in early childhood education sites in Australia |
Brenda Bruce | Teachers documenting critical reflections: A Western Sydney primary school case study |
Richard Carroll | Why is the High School IT “Crowd” becoming an empty room? |
Stephanie Chukwudi | TBC |
Amanda Clare | TBC |
Jason Cummings | Teacher preparation and professional language development: Do pre-service teachers develop a professional language for inclusive classroom teaching practice? |
Jenny Dwyer | Children's mathematical graphics: Making mathematical connections with their world |
Monique Fuss | What can artists teach us about making aesthetics integral to educational practice? |
Kasey Hillyar | Using simulation technologies as a tool to support Initial Teacher Education students. |
Mohammad Alamgir Hossain | Developing primary school students’ 21st-century skills (critical thinking and problem-solving, creativity, communication, and collaboration) through STEM education in Australia |
Stacey Jones | School-university partnerships to enhance teacher quality: A New South Wales regional case study. |
Bushra Khan | Digital interactive Narratives in Video Gaming: A multimodal socio-ecological investigation |
Paige Lee | Hidden Treasure: Investigating the potential of Community Professionals in supporting young children’s mathematical learning |
Kate Margetson | Supporting English-speaking professionals to work with bilingual Vietnamese-English-speaking children |
Gibson Matimba | Overseas trained teachers: Enablers and constraints to professional practice and social integration into the Australian education system. |
Margaret McBride | Investigating the practice architectures of grammar pedagogy across the primary years. |
Samantha McGrath | How do educators' understandings and perspectives on mathematics education for children birth to three years old inform their practice? |
Svantje Mertens | Differentiation in Mathematics in Steiner Primary Schools in Australia |
Deborah Mitchell | TBC |
Julie Norris | An in-depth exploration into the history and development of ballet teaching in Australia from the 1830s to 1930s. |
Eileen Proudford-Nalder | The Law in English Literature: The Pedagogy of Legal Context and Advancing Gender Equality in the Teaching of Secondary English in the 21st Century |
Maslathif Dwi Purnomo | Multimodal stance-taking in the genre of presidential address: A case of the seventh Indonesian president, Joko Widodo |
Arifa Rahman | Understanding the inclusion of children with diverse needs using play pedagogies in Early Years in Regional Australia |
Goutam Roy | Developing scientific literacy among children in early years (4-5 years) in Australia |
Sarah Sabell | What Enables and Constrains the Learning of Mid-Career Adult Learners Turning (or returning) to Formal Online Education? |
Deborah Scheele | Nourishing flourishing early career academics |
Richard Skiba | A Framework for Health and Safety Training in Vocational Education and Training for High-Risk Occupations |
Anita Stibbard | Investigating problem solving talk in early years’ mathematics classrooms |
Melanie Sugumaran | Exploring how mid-career professional transition to teaching? |
Sabira Sultana | Investigating the implementation of education for sustainability through science in Australian secondary schools: Perspectives and practices of students and teachers |
Harsharan Thethi | School- to- post- school transition for students with autism and Intellectual disabilities from culturally and linguistic diverse (CaLD) backgrounds. |
Salima Yeung | Investigating the Links Between Early Childhood Educator Well-being, Early Education Work Environments, and Educator-infant Relationships |
Candidate | Research Topic/Title |
Teresa Cochrane | TBC |
Ljiljana Galovic | TBC |
Shé Hawke | Seeking Matrology |
Jade Ryall | TBC |
Justin Willoughby | TBC |
Candidate | Research Topic/Title |
Rebecca Casson | Celebrity politics in Australian local government: the case of Geelong’s short and failed directly elected mayor experiment. |
Anthea Cuddihy | Ties that (don’t?) bind: University strategic plans as drivers of Alumni Relations programming |
Krystal Gagen-Spriggs | Teacher librarians as influencers of reading cultures in secondary schools. |
Dilini Bodhinayaka Ilaya Kuttige Don | Commencing undergraduate students' prior understanding of academic libraries in Sri Lanka: A grounded theory approach |
Romany Manuell | The education and training role of Australian academic librarians |
Abbey Meiselbach | TBC |
Rebecca Muir | Moving forward in library service provision for people with an invisible disability |
Nicola Pitt | TBC |
Marion Randall | What are the lived experiences of adult sentenced prisoners in Australia when attempting to satisfy their legal information needs? |
Kate Rowe | Digital literacy within the community, and the role of libraries and other organisations |
Dianne Ruffles | TBC |
Kathleen Salerno | TBC |
Jodi Wadling | TBC |
Candidate | Research Topic/Title |
Dalanglin Dkhar | Lifelong Carers: The lived Experience Witnessed Through a Documentary |
Sharyn Anderson | Colour, Light and the Complexity of Modernity: The Life and Work of Dorothea Mackellar |
Nushrat Azam | Silence of the Mirror: Gender Performance and Multiple Identities of Female Characters belonging to South Asian backgrounds |
Ché Baker | ScreenSpill: Innovation in the Australian Screen Industry and the Response to the Global Pandemic |
John Barnaby | Towards a dynamic approach to assisting individuals struggling with obsessionality and compulsivity |
Stephen Bourne | TBC |
Crysta Bowe | TBC |
Jack Bradford | An Examination of the Accessibility, Transferability, and Significance of Brisbane Junior Theatre’s Intensive-Immersive “One-Week” Production and Training Models. |
Diane Cass | Experiences of individuals within families where two or more members have a life-limiting or chronic illness |
Ignatius Chida | Waiting for home-based support services: Informal and formal care experiences of rural older Australians and their caregivers |
Debbie (Constance) Clatworthy | TBA |
Gwendoline Deemal-Hall | TBC |
Kylie Falciani | TBC |
Graham Fordyce | English-language haiku and advertising |
Nigel Frame | Primordial Oncology Health Promotion through Religion: Ritual, Purity and Sanctity as processes for Onco-suppression |
Nicholas Gahan | Sirens to silence: Examining the experiences of firefighters transitioning into and living in retirement. |
Katrina Gersbach | Perceptions and definitions of social and emotional wellbeing: Supporting children in a Western NSW public school to develop strategies which enhance resilience and positive mental health |
Maureen Hendrie | Anti-Oppressive Practice: Reducing the Number of First Nations Children in Out-of-Home Care within the Victorian Child Protection System. |
Erin Hinton | OF OTHER PLANS: Re-viewing Canberra through the lens of other spaces |
Tracey Hocking | A Case Study into the Understanding and Interpretation of Trauma-Informed Care within an Australian Community Health Organisation |
Carla Hogg | Stepmothers' Life Stories and Self-Identity |
Benjamin Hourn | Welfare without the Welfare: The Intersection of People and Unemployment Policy |
Jayden Kargbo | TBC |
Juana Katzer | Social Workers' Decision-Making Processes with Children who Exhibit Problem Sexualised Behaviours (PSBs) |
Sabrina Keen | Tasmanian Gothic Art: The Colonial Roots of a Thriving Contemporary Mode |
Linda Kennedy | Returning to Wholeness: social workers’ experiences of yoga in relation to depression and anxiety and implications for social work practice |
Serena Mathews | Exploring Social Work Practice in Rural Australia in the Field of Trauma |
Adrienne Matthys | The meaning of voluntary assisted dying to Australians living with dementia: A mixed methods study of needs, preferences, attitudes and barriers |
Jacqueline McNamara | A feminist approach for exploring and promoting the professional identity of women social workers in Australia |
Leanne Mitchell | TBC |
Susan Penn-Turrall | Social Work and countering violent right wing extremism: A comparative study of the gendered dimensions of Social Work practices in the US and Australia. |
Amy Proudford-Nalder | TBC |
George Rafael | Workplace Bullying: A Social Work Perspective |
Elisia Ramsey | A phenomenological exploration of the lived experiences and observed benefits of spiritual elements of embodiment practices used by Australian social work practitioners |
Mohammed Rizwan Sharif | Two necessary conditions of Corporate Social Responsibility: A study of Bangladeshi corporations to determine the extent to which they listen to and intend to help their stakeholders |
Connie Sivaly | TBC |
Tracy Sorensen | Crochet and Cancer, Craftivism and Climate Change |
Deborah Spanner | Decolonising decision making – localising participatory consultation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples for transformative social change |
Sandra Stewart | The construction of Australian animal characters and their portrayal of wildlife and the environment in children's illustrated books 1841 - 2019: an ecocritical perspective |
Marie-Christine Sweeney | Here and Now: Storytelling role of the children’s screen writer for the millennial generation |
Alarna Vrieling | Psychosocial Health of Adult Children of Australian Vietnam Veterans. |
Timothy White | The Renewal of Christian Humanism as a Foundation Philosophy in Social Work for Combating Global Poverty and Suffering |
Julianne Whyte | The development of a framework to describe the scope of practice for Australian social workers in providing Palliative and End of Life Care in the community context: An action research project. |
Silvia Wistuba | Malweiber: the subjugation of the women artists of German Modernism |
Candidate | Research Topic/Title |
David Adams | What contribution does Irenaeus of Lyons’ theological anthropology make to the contemporary Christian ethical discussion on human germline genetic enhancement? |
Bing Au | The Concept of Ecclesial Judgment in 1 Corinthians 5:1–6:11: A Comparative-Exegetical Study in Light of Roman Legal Contexts |
Joshua Axtens | TBC |
John Barker | St John of the cross and contemplative prayer |
Judith Bartholomeusz | “Peculiarly” Fitted: The Imperial Career of Caroline Chisholm (1808–1877) |
Andrew Clark-Howard | Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Christology and Theological Method in Contemporary Conversation |
Kaye Colwell | Ordained Local Ministry: practice and best practice |
Kaye Colwell | Where the rubber hits the dirt track: Ordained Local Ministry in the parish. |
Fiona Dyball | Let the Word Dwell in You Richly: A Study of Practices and Resources for the Sung Responsorial Psalm in the Post-Conciliar Catholic Mass in the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne. |
Thomas Earl | Ordination: The Gospel Held in Trust |
Stanley Grant | Yindyamarra as theology: identity, history, violence, faith and reconciliation |
Keith Hamilton | Worship, witness and service, and their relationship to ordained leadership in city based missions of the Uniting Church in Australia |
Gavin Krebs | Comfortable in our own skin: A theological and ecclesial inquiry into 'body image' in contemporary society and its significance for being the church. |
Andrew Kulikovsky | TBC |
John Kuruvilla | TBC |
Sarah Lawson | Hapax Legomena of the Greek New Testament: Their Semantic Analysis and Resulting Theological Impact on the Epistle of James |
Tracey Matthews | Animating Transformative Discipleship in Contemporary Australia through the Relational Theology of James E. Loder Jr. |
Susan McIntyre | Theology, Disability, and the Apophatic Tradition - Exploring how apophatic theology can contribute to contemporary engagement with disability |
Timothy Mclaughlin | A Critical Review of Lewis Rambo’s Model of Religious Conversion: What Needs to be Modified as a Result of Thirty Years of Empirical Studies and Additional Research? |
Liam Miller | Theatre, Adaptation, and the Task of Christian Doctrine |
Grant Moore | Geoengineering in the shadow of climate apocalypse: framing the church's engagement with the emerging global debate. |
Sally Mordike | The experience of homefulness: Exploring the depth of meaning of home for older people living with dementia |
Daniel Mossfield | TBC |
Bronwyn O'Neill | TBC |
Abiodun Odejayi | Justice, Equality and the Theo-political Imperative. Oliver O'Donovan on the intersection of justice and equality: Its conceptual implication and practical applicability |
William Overton | Development, Decline, and Diaspora: The Open Brethren in Tasmania, 1945-2000 |
Marilyn Pietsch | The Meaning and Significance of the Kingdom of God in Luke-Acts: A Narrative-Critical and Discourse Analytical Approach |
Suzanne Smith | A Sign of the End? A Literary Intratextual Examination of Acts 3:1-10 within the Broader Context of Acts 3:1-4:31 and Luke 19:45-21:38 |
Don Tamihere | "Ka kohia atu au ki tōku iwi": A Māori reading of Genesis 49:1 – 50:14 |
Apelu Tielu | O le faigamalaga A theological analysis of Samoans' migration to Aotearoa New Zealand |
huanhua Zhang | TBC |