Current Candidate Profiles

The work done by doctoral candidates in the Faculty of Arts and Education is diverse, spanning the research areas of the schools that make up the Faculty.

If you are a Faculty of Arts and Education candidate without a profile page and would like one, please complete the candidate form and log a job in Cherwell to have your profile created.

Candidate Research Topic/Title
Omar Gomaa Ahmed Mohamed Evolution of Political Islam: The Case of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt
Ikramullah Ahmed The Global Issue of Moonsighting; Sighting vs Calculation, A critical Evaluation
Rinto Azhar TBC
Emre Celik Public and Expert Perspectives of Fethullah Gulen and the Hizmet Movement in America.
Mirela Cufurovic Social Emotion, Identity Integration, and the Making of a Distinct Australian Muslim Identity
Janelle Di Falco How does trauma affect marital dissatisfaction in Muslim enmeshed marriages?
David Drennan Beyond Flexibility in Fatwas: Engaging Power, Progress, and Modernity in Islamic Thought
Mostafa El-Gashingi TBC
Nadia El-Mouelhy Halal Certification in Australia: History, Muslim Consumer Perception and Reliance
Sarkhan Gasimov The influence of al-Ghazali’s works on Abraham bin Maimonides regarding God, universe and human soul through his mysticism
Nasreen Hanifi TBC
Ismail Haskara How socio-political suffering of Muslims affect their Psyche: A neuroscientific approach.
Leila Khaled How effective is ISRE (Muslim scripture) in making better Muslims and better citizens?
Carol Mroue Psychological Trauma of domestic violence and an Islamic perspective on healing:  A case study of Australian Muslim women.
Candidate Research Topic/Title
Sarah Bartlett Caregiver Implemented Intervention to Support Children’s Communication: Considering/Sharing / Unpacking the Hanen Programs® with Underserved Communities
Alexandra Blitz-Raith The Development of a Multimodal and Semiotic Analytical Framework for Educational Apps
Melinda Brooker An explorative study of followership, followers and following practices in early childhood education sites in Australia
Brenda Bruce Teachers documenting critical reflections: A Western Sydney primary school case study
Richard Carroll Why is the High School IT “Crowd” becoming an empty room?
Stephanie Chukwudi TBC
Amanda Clare TBC
Jason Cummings Teacher preparation and professional language development: Do pre-service teachers develop a professional language for inclusive classroom teaching practice?
Jenny Dwyer Children's mathematical graphics: Making mathematical connections with their world
Monique Fuss What can artists teach us about making aesthetics integral to educational practice?
Kasey Hillyar Using simulation technologies as a tool to support Initial Teacher Education students.
Mohammad Alamgir Hossain Developing primary school students’ 21st-century skills (critical thinking and problem-solving, creativity, communication, and collaboration) through STEM education in Australia
Stacey Jones School-university partnerships to enhance teacher quality: A New South Wales regional case study.
Bushra Khan Digital interactive Narratives in Video Gaming: A multimodal socio-ecological investigation
Paige Lee Hidden Treasure: Investigating the potential of Community Professionals in supporting young children’s mathematical learning
Kate Margetson Supporting English-speaking professionals to work with bilingual Vietnamese-English-speaking children
Gibson Matimba Overseas trained teachers: Enablers and constraints to professional practice and social integration into the Australian education system.
Margaret McBride Investigating the practice architectures of grammar pedagogy across the primary years.
Samantha McGrath How do educators' understandings and perspectives on mathematics education for children birth to three years old inform their practice?
Svantje Mertens Differentiation in Mathematics in Steiner Primary Schools in Australia
Deborah Mitchell TBC
Julie Norris An in-depth exploration into the history and development of ballet teaching in Australia from the 1830s to 1930s.
Eileen Proudford-Nalder The Law in English Literature: The Pedagogy of Legal Context and Advancing Gender Equality in the Teaching of Secondary English in the 21st Century
Maslathif Dwi Purnomo Multimodal stance-taking in the genre of presidential address: A case of the seventh Indonesian president, Joko Widodo
Arifa Rahman Understanding the inclusion of children with diverse needs using play pedagogies in Early Years in Regional Australia
Goutam Roy Developing scientific literacy among children in early years (4-5 years) in Australia
Sarah Sabell What Enables and Constrains the Learning of Mid-Career Adult Learners Turning (or returning) to Formal Online Education?
Deborah Scheele Nourishing flourishing early career academics
Richard Skiba A Framework for Health and Safety Training in Vocational Education and Training for High-Risk Occupations
Anita Stibbard Investigating problem solving talk in early years’ mathematics classrooms
Melanie Sugumaran Exploring how mid-career professional transition to teaching?
Sabira Sultana Investigating the implementation of education for sustainability through science in Australian secondary schools: Perspectives and practices of students and teachers
Harsharan Thethi School- to- post- school transition for students with autism and Intellectual disabilities from culturally and linguistic diverse (CaLD) backgrounds.
Salima Yeung Investigating the Links Between Early Childhood Educator Well-being, Early Education Work Environments, and Educator-infant Relationships
Candidate Research Topic/Title
Teresa Cochrane TBC
Ljiljana Galovic TBC
Shé Hawke Seeking Matrology
Jade Ryall TBC
Justin Willoughby TBC
Candidate Research Topic/Title
Rebecca Casson Celebrity politics in Australian local government: the case of Geelong’s short and failed directly elected mayor experiment.
Anthea Cuddihy Ties that (don’t?) bind: University strategic plans as drivers of Alumni Relations programming
Krystal Gagen-Spriggs Teacher librarians as influencers of reading cultures in secondary schools.
Dilini Bodhinayaka Ilaya Kuttige Don Commencing undergraduate students' prior understanding of academic libraries in Sri Lanka: A grounded theory approach
Romany Manuell The education and training role of Australian academic librarians
Abbey Meiselbach TBC
Rebecca Muir Moving forward in library service provision for people with an invisible disability
Nicola Pitt TBC
Marion Randall What are the lived experiences of adult sentenced prisoners in Australia when attempting to satisfy their legal information needs?
Kate Rowe Digital literacy within the community, and the role of libraries and other organisations
Dianne Ruffles TBC
Kathleen Salerno TBC
Jodi Wadling TBC
Candidate Research Topic/Title
Dalanglin Dkhar Lifelong Carers: The lived Experience Witnessed Through a Documentary
Sharyn Anderson Colour, Light and the Complexity of Modernity: The Life and Work of Dorothea Mackellar
Nushrat Azam Silence of the Mirror: Gender Performance and Multiple Identities of Female Characters belonging to South Asian backgrounds
Ché Baker ScreenSpill: Innovation in the Australian Screen Industry and the Response to the Global Pandemic
John Barnaby Towards a dynamic approach to assisting individuals struggling with obsessionality and compulsivity
Stephen Bourne TBC
Crysta Bowe TBC
Jack Bradford An Examination of the Accessibility, Transferability, and Significance of Brisbane Junior Theatre’s Intensive-Immersive “One-Week” Production and Training Models.
Diane Cass Experiences of individuals within families where two or more members have a life-limiting or chronic illness
Ignatius Chida Waiting for home-based support services: Informal and formal care experiences of rural older Australians and their caregivers
Debbie (Constance) Clatworthy TBA
Gwendoline Deemal-Hall TBC
Kylie Falciani TBC
Graham Fordyce English-language haiku and advertising
Nigel Frame Primordial Oncology Health Promotion through Religion: Ritual, Purity and Sanctity as processes for Onco-suppression
Nicholas Gahan Sirens to silence: Examining the experiences of firefighters transitioning into and living in retirement.
Katrina Gersbach Perceptions and definitions of social and emotional wellbeing: Supporting children in a Western NSW public school to develop strategies which enhance resilience and positive mental health
Maureen Hendrie Anti-Oppressive Practice: Reducing the Number of First Nations Children in Out-of-Home Care within the Victorian Child Protection System.
Erin Hinton OF OTHER PLANS: Re-viewing Canberra through the lens of other spaces
Tracey Hocking A Case Study into the Understanding and Interpretation of Trauma-Informed Care within an Australian Community Health Organisation
Carla Hogg Stepmothers' Life Stories and Self-Identity
Benjamin Hourn Welfare without the Welfare: The Intersection of People and Unemployment Policy
Jayden Kargbo TBC
Juana Katzer Social Workers' Decision-Making Processes with Children who Exhibit Problem Sexualised Behaviours (PSBs)
Sabrina Keen Tasmanian Gothic Art: The Colonial Roots of a Thriving Contemporary Mode
Linda Kennedy Returning to Wholeness: social workers’ experiences of yoga in relation to depression and anxiety and implications for social work practice
Serena Mathews Exploring Social Work Practice in Rural Australia in the Field of Trauma
Adrienne Matthys The meaning of voluntary assisted dying to Australians living with dementia: A mixed methods study of needs, preferences, attitudes and barriers
Jacqueline McNamara A feminist approach for exploring and promoting the professional identity of women social workers in Australia
Leanne Mitchell TBC
Susan Penn-Turrall Social Work and countering violent right wing extremism: A comparative study of the gendered dimensions of Social Work practices in the US and Australia.
Amy Proudford-Nalder TBC
George Rafael Workplace Bullying: A Social Work Perspective
Elisia Ramsey A phenomenological exploration of the lived experiences and observed benefits of spiritual elements of embodiment practices used by Australian social work practitioners
Mohammed Rizwan Sharif Two necessary conditions of Corporate Social Responsibility: A study of Bangladeshi corporations to determine the extent to which they listen to and intend to help their stakeholders
Connie Sivaly TBC
Tracy Sorensen Crochet and Cancer, Craftivism and Climate Change
Deborah Spanner Decolonising decision making – localising participatory consultation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples for transformative social change
Sandra Stewart The construction of Australian animal characters and their portrayal of wildlife and the environment in children's illustrated books 1841 - 2019: an ecocritical perspective
Marie-Christine Sweeney Here and Now: Storytelling role of the children’s screen writer for the millennial generation
Alarna Vrieling Psychosocial Health of Adult Children of Australian Vietnam Veterans.
Timothy White The Renewal of Christian Humanism as a Foundation Philosophy in Social Work for Combating Global Poverty and Suffering
Julianne Whyte The development of a framework to describe the scope of practice for Australian social workers in providing Palliative and End of Life Care in the community context: An action research project.
Silvia Wistuba Malweiber: the subjugation of the women artists of German Modernism
Candidate Research Topic/Title
David Adams What contribution does Irenaeus of Lyons’ theological anthropology make to the contemporary Christian ethical discussion on human germline genetic enhancement?
Bing Au The Concept of Ecclesial Judgment in 1 Corinthians 5:1–6:11: A Comparative-Exegetical Study in Light of Roman Legal Contexts
Joshua Axtens TBC
John Barker St John of the cross and contemplative prayer
Judith Bartholomeusz “Peculiarly” Fitted: The Imperial Career of Caroline Chisholm (1808–1877)
Andrew Clark-Howard Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Christology and Theological Method in Contemporary Conversation
Kaye Colwell Ordained Local Ministry: practice and best practice
Kaye Colwell Where the rubber hits the dirt track: Ordained Local Ministry in the parish.
Fiona Dyball Let the Word Dwell in You Richly: A Study of Practices and Resources for the Sung Responsorial Psalm in the Post-Conciliar Catholic Mass in the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne.
Thomas Earl Ordination: The Gospel Held in Trust
Stanley Grant Yindyamarra as theology: identity, history, violence, faith and reconciliation
Keith Hamilton Worship, witness and service, and their relationship to ordained leadership in city based missions of the Uniting Church in Australia
Gavin Krebs Comfortable in our own skin: A theological and ecclesial inquiry into 'body image' in contemporary society and its significance for being the church.
Andrew Kulikovsky TBC
John Kuruvilla TBC
Sarah Lawson Hapax Legomena of the Greek New Testament: Their Semantic Analysis and Resulting Theological Impact on the Epistle of James
Tracey Matthews Animating Transformative Discipleship in Contemporary Australia through the Relational Theology of James E. Loder Jr.
Susan McIntyre Theology, Disability, and the Apophatic Tradition - Exploring how apophatic theology can contribute to contemporary engagement with disability
Timothy Mclaughlin A Critical Review of Lewis Rambo’s Model of Religious Conversion: What Needs to be Modified as a Result of Thirty Years of Empirical Studies and Additional Research?
Liam Miller Theatre, Adaptation, and the Task of Christian Doctrine
Grant Moore Geoengineering in the shadow of climate apocalypse: framing the church's engagement with the emerging global debate.
Sally Mordike The experience of homefulness: Exploring the depth of meaning of home for older people living with dementia
Daniel Mossfield TBC
Bronwyn O'Neill TBC
Abiodun Odejayi Justice, Equality and the Theo-political Imperative. Oliver O'Donovan on the intersection of justice and equality: Its conceptual implication and practical applicability
William Overton Development, Decline, and Diaspora: The Open Brethren in Tasmania, 1945-2000
Marilyn Pietsch The Meaning and Significance of the Kingdom of God in Luke-Acts: A Narrative-Critical and Discourse Analytical Approach
Suzanne Smith A Sign of the End? A Literary Intratextual Examination of Acts 3:1-10 within the Broader Context of Acts 3:1-4:31 and Luke 19:45-21:38
Don Tamihere "Ka kohia atu au ki tōku iwi": A Māori reading of Genesis 49:1 – 50:14
Apelu Tielu O le faigamalaga A theological analysis of Samoans' migration to Aotearoa New Zealand
huanhua Zhang TBC