Don Tamihere

Proposed Title

"Ka kohia atu au ki tōku iwi": A Māori reading of Genesis 49:1 – 50:14


Principal Supervisor: Reverend Dr Jione Havea
Co-Supervisor: Professor Daniel Smith-Christopher


The purpose of this research is to read the narrative of Jacob's last words and death in Genesis 49:1 – 50:14 through the lens of Tangihanga (Māori funeral rites) as it pertains to my own context of Te Haahi Mihinare (The Māori Anglican Church) within the tribal boundaries of my Tairāwhiti iwi – including Ngāti Porou, Te Aitanga a Hauiti, Rongowhakaata, and Ngāti Kahungunu.

Why I chose Charles Sturt

Charles Sturt was recommended to me by several biblical scholars who I admire and respect, including my supervisors Dr Jione Havea, and Dr Daniel Smith Christopher.

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