Kate Rowe

Proposed Title

Digital literacy within the community, and the role of libraries and other organisations.


Principal Supervisor: Associate Professor Mary Carroll
Co-Supervisor: Dr Jane Garner


This research will seek to understand how the community experiences digital literacy in their everyday lives, and the role of libraries and other organisations in supporting their digital literacy skills. This research will compare the experience of community participants from capital cities, regional areas and rural and remote communities within Australia and examine how people learn and develop their digital literacy skills. The role of libraries and other organisations from different locations around Australia will be examined to gain a greater understanding of how these libraries and organisations can best support their communities in developing digital capabilities. This research project will use a constructive grounded theory approach through interviews with participants to gain a greater understanding of their digital literacy skills and how they experience their digital world. Concepts such as digital inclusion and digital citizenship will observed and how data and digital devices are critical for Australians to maintain vital connections to community, services and information.

Why I chose Charles Sturt

I have worked in academic and public libraries and as a teacher in secondary schools and adult education. Throughout my career I have had a passion for lifelong learning, information and digital literacy, digital inclusion and the digital divide.


  • Associate member of ALIA
  • Personal member of VALA - Libraries, Technology & the Future
  • Registered teacher with the Queensland College of Teachers


  • Rowe, K. (2020). Digital literacy in the community and the role of libraries. Poster accepted for the IFLA WLIC 2020 Congress. Dublin, Ireland. (Conference cancelled due to COVID19)
  • Rowe, K. (2020). Digital literacy in the community and the role of libraries. Long paper accepted for LARK 2020 Symposium. Sydney, Australia. (Conference postponed due to COVID19)
  • Rowe, K. (2020). Understanding how the community experiences digital literacy and the role of libraries in supporting their digital literacy needs. eposter presented at VALA 2020 conference. Melbourne, Australia.
  • Rowe, K. (2019). How does the community experience digital literacy? Poster presented at RAILS 2019 conference. Canberra, Australia.
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