Maslathif Dwi Purnomo

Proposed title

The Power of Language on the Political Event in Indonesia: A Multimodal Analysis of President Jokowi’s Speeches


Principal Supervisor: Dr Jianxin Liu
Co-Supervisor: Dr Oliver Villar


This research aims to investigate Jokowi’s political speeches, as the president of Indonesia, which are delivered in the formal and informal situation. The research will be using the Multimodality analytical framework as its tool of analysis. Data are projecting to be taken from video speeches of President Jokowi from the official social media of the Indonesian government such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, as well as Youtube channel. And will be supported by other public social media such as Television and others. The analysis will be focusing on three aspects of Multimodality namely Tenor, Field, and Mode from Kress and Van Leeuwen's theory and will also be combined by searching for the ultimate meaning of the aspect of intertextuality from Wodak’s theory. For significant purposes, this research will be contributing to the development of political communication from a linguistics point of view especially the aspect of building the multimodality features in delivering political speeches in Indonesia and also the world widely.

Why I chose Charles Sturt

By doing good collaboration between me and the supervisors who are expert in Multimodal will bring my research to its final goal. Supervisory guidance and direction which is also supported by encouragement from the school, faculty, and the Graduate Studies Office will enable me to complete my research well. In addition, the facilities available at Charles Sturt, both in the form of academic development workshops and others, will improve my research skills so that I will be able to finish this research.

Engagement and memberships

  • Thesis Writing Group led by Emmaline, an Academic Literacy Coordinator, Charles Sturt University.
  • HDR Connect, Charles Sturt University
  • Free Linguistics Conference led by Assoc. Professor Ahmar Mahbub, The University of Sydney
  • Indonesian Applied Linguistic Association, Jakarta, Indonesia


  • Purnomo, Maslathif Dwi (2017). The Power of Language (Kuasa Bahasa) Dalam Dimensi Sosial, Politik, Budaya dan Pendidikan. Naila Pustaka, Yogyakarta
  • Purnomo, Maslathif Dwi (2016). Grammatical Intricacy and Lexical Density in the Text of English Handbook at Private Islamic Junior High School Level in Medan. Ihya Al- Arabiyah, 2(2)
  • Purnomo, Maslathif Dwi (2016). Menakar Kualitas Pendidikan Berkarakter di Indonesia. Tazkiya, 5(2).
  • Purnomo, Maslathif Dwi (2012). Violence, Extremism, and Terrorism in Indonesia: A case Study on terrorism Acts in Indonesia from 2001 until 2011. International Proceeding of Economic Development and Research, 34(74)
  • Purnomo, Maslathif Dwi. (2012) Sexism Language in the Contemporary Islamic Literature Perspective. Proceeding of International Conference on Islamic Studies (AICIS XII), 12(7).
  • Purnomo, Maslathif Dwi (2009). Speech Acts Used by Street Children in Medan. Journal of Applied Linguistics, 7(4).
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