Romany Manuell

Proposed Title

The education and training role of Australian academic librarians


Principal Supervisor:  Associate Professor  Mary Carroll
Co-Supervisor: Associate Professor Mary Anne Kennan
Co-Supervisor: Dr Barbara Combes


Academic librarians in university libraries perform a variety of roles, including a role in the education and training of library users in areas related to information literacy. Despite the wealth of literature documenting the existence of librarians’ educative role throughout the history of university libraries, anecdotal and empirical evidence suggests not all librarians are comfortable with this aspect of their position. Academic librarians come to positions in university libraries with qualifications in library and information studies, but may bring experience and qualifications from previous careers. Formal study for librarianship may or may not include pedagogy and educational theory. Using role theory as a framework to define the concept of role and phenomenography as an underpinning approach and research methodology, in-depth interviews with Australian academic librarians will be undertaken to explore the connections between librarians’ understanding of their educative role and their knowledge and practice of education and training. A greater understanding of academic librarians’ conceptions of their educative role will influence curriculum for librarianship, inform recommendations for employers and provide librarians with opportunities for reflection on their role and practice, all of which may contribute to better learning outcomes for university library users.

Why I chose Charles Sturt

As my interests lie at the intersection of librarianship and education, the location of the School of Information Studies within the Faculty of Arts and Education meant that Charles Sturt was the perfect place for me to undertake my PhD. I also wanted to be supervised by Charles Sturt Faculty as they are experienced and well known in the library and information industry.


Associate Certified Professional of the Australian Library and Information Association (AALIA CP). Member of ALA, Arlis/ANZ, ASIS&T and CILIP.


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